Important safety tip. When upgrading your blog software-check to make sure your plugins all reactivate properly. Mine did not and we got a WAVE of Spam here last night. Still trying to get all the bogus comments out of the system. Should be fixed by tomorrow.
Continue readingLou Reed , Rest in Peace
It is with great sadness, that I note the death of Lou Reed, at 71. He was a master artist of his generation-and contrary to what Phib thinks, added much to the general discourse. As did most of the baby boom generation. My favorite song by Lou Reed was not
Continue readingPeople who always f*ck you over.
Today is the 25 th of October. And I can't think of a better reason to celebrate this day than it is the annversiary of another excursion into futility-namely that of the Charge of the Light Brigade! As is my custom, I repost an analysis I did here, many yeasrs
Continue readingWhere is Kent Brockman when you need him?
Well we met our new "team mates" yesterday. As I expected it, it did not go well: It was an interesting exercise in surrealism. Our current boss was basically pre-empted by the GS-15 who seeks to enslave replace him. That issue has not been determined yet-but this guy acted
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For the record, I really hate sand traps. I hate them with a passion. Today was a beautiful day and so the S.O. and I went to play golf. This may be the last time we get to play this year. But we picked a GREAT day to play. The
Continue readingThey went slowly mad……
Well it looks like the mess may be over-for a while. Our Galtian overlords have finally had to cave in and recognize that they were only going to get one thing: The exercise was pointless from the word go. Sane people recognized that. They also recognize how we cannot
Continue readingAnd people wonder why they hate them.
You can thank my worthless excuse for a Representative, the not so honorable Mo Brooks, for this lovely bit of stock advice: Having spent two hours talking to House Republicans, my expert investment advice is: Short everything — daveweigel (@daveweigel) October 15, 2013 Please go die in a fire.
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Ed Henry, paid White House whore protagonist at America's worst excuse for a TV Network, has a sad: A visibly angry Henry walked out of the briefing after press secretary Jay Carney ignored his repeated questions. Speaking to colleague Brian Kilmeade on Monday, Henry said that, though he looked annoyed, he
Continue readingA funny joke and a beautiful woman (VI)
An old man was given a jar and asked to provide a sperm sample for his doctor. The next day he returned with the empty jar and explained, “Well, doc, it’s like this: First I tried with my right hand, then I tried with my left. I asked my wife
Continue readingI’m tired of hearing about the children……
In this debt fight nonsense, the deficit scolds continue to say "its for the children". Whenever I hear that what I want to reply is something profane-and with good reason. The children lose no matter what, if the cruel and inhumane policy prescriptions are carried out. What the arrogant and
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