Back in 1914: Henry Ford, unlike his current day counterparts, recognized that a well-paid workforce made for better workforce-and more consumers. So wages were doubled from $2.40/9-hr day to $5.00/8-hr day. George Reeves, the actor who would play Superman in the 1950’s was born. So too was Nicolas de Staël, a French-Russian
Continue readingCountdown to Catastrophe
2014 will mark 100 years since the start of World War I. I recently finished a book entitled 1913: The Eve of War by Paul Ham. The book recounts the year before the beginning of the World War and how the powers were anticipating even then the idea of going to
Continue readingIn trying to do good, they just do more harm.
As promised, I am taking this opportunity to offer my thoughts on some provisions of the 2014 Defense Bill that should make anyone with any military experience at all, just a little bit nervous. ( If not downright upset.) First the good parts ( I guess). The bill revamps the
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Yesterday afternoon, the Devil's apprentice himself, Paul Ryan ( Worthless Cocksucker-WI) and his Democratic counterpart Mrs Landingham (H/t to Charles Pierce for the term) announced they had reached a budget deal. Some deal. Rather than go for the straightforward approach of repealing the rest of the Bush tax cuts and
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Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, has a post up on his blog that postulates something I have believed for a long time. Marriage is no longer a relevant institution and needs to be re-vamped or done away with. He does not come out specifically state what I believe-namely that
Continue reading“My country is a horror show.”
David Simon, speaking at a forum in Sydney Australia gave a very perceptive rundown about what ails the land of my birth. He points out very eloquently a theme that the Pope and others have been highlighting recently, namely that income inequality is dangerous and if we don't do something
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I am a Star Wars fan. But not this much of one. Idle Hands are the Devil's works shop. And Queen fans everywhere are balling up fists of rage:
Continue readingNelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela passed away at the age of 95 yesterday. Clearly, the world has lost a great man. He was great not just because he struggled against apartheid -but when the tables finally turned; he did not give in to the instincts to take vengeance on his oppressors-but to seek
Continue readingAnd I’m back
It has been a busy month for me. I just got back from the 4th of 4 trips in a month. Lots of observations from my trips. More to follow tomorrow.
Continue readingThe Pope gets it.
I'm liking Pope Francis more and more each day. He is doing what Pope Palpatine did not, and for that matter what Saint John Paul II seemed unable to do either when he was Pope. Namely highlighting the societal trends that at odds with church teachings-and using the bully pulpit
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