Today was a sad day for me. It is probably the first day since I graduated from the Citadel, that I was ashamed to wear my ring. A ring I worked hard to earn-and usually wear with pride. Why? Because it is disgusting to me, to watch legions of my
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It is with sad and undisguised disgust that I watch the collective conservative freak out of the release of SGT Bowe Berghdahl, the only prisoner of war held by the Taliban. In the early morning of June 30, 2009, Berghdal went missing from his unit’s small outpost in Mest, a
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It took the S.O. and I a long time to get Internet connectivity to the house, besides our cell phones and a stick for the computer. While I was away, it was installed-but our bandwidth is severely limited due to the lack of fiber (and cable) to our little village.
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Some things just set me off. Today was a day where I came across something quite innocently posted by someone on the old Facebook page, that when one reads it, you just have to shake your head in disgust. Over at The Federalist, a slick conservative blog for the learning
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I once again, marvel at the stupidity of the pro-gun community. The bodies from the Santa Barbara are hardly even cold-and yet we have to hear this: “Your dead kids don’t trump my Constitutional rights.” – Joe the Plumber (yea, that guy) to the families of the Isla Vista shooting victims,
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Today is Memorial Day-and fortunately for me, I am alive, and spending it at home. For a lot of Soldiers, Sailors, Airman and Marines that is not true. So it is very important that we remember their sacrifices-and honor their memories. Today I wanted to re-post about one such sacrifice-one that
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I paraphrased this bit of writing from Herman Wouk a couple of years back. I still think its a marvelous bit of writing and particularly appropriate as “America begins to leave the world stage”. Not because it was forced to-but because of those who feel that merely dying for your fellow
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David Brooks, also known here by the not so affectionate moniker of “Chunky Bobo”, has written a column so absurd that you just have to shake your head in stupefaction that this man still has a job-much less a respected position in American journalism. Like McMegan-it appears that Chunky Bobo
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And what does it get you? Kicked in the teeth that is what. Our completely dysfunctional workplace has struck again. A project I had devoted some 7 months of effort to-has been done away with. The details are dreary and not befitting anything but swear words. Nonetheless it caps off
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Still here-just it has been a busy week. out of the hotel at 7:15 and home at 8PM. By the time one eats dinner and gets to bed, there is not time for anything else. Day off today though-then back to the grind tomorrow. (In Israel, Sunday is a work
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