. So much beauty wasted……… There are times that I really come to realize: Michelle Malkin is a twit. Now her blog is popular, so through links I get drawn in. Today was one of those days. As many of you know, it has been exposed that a Republican strategist,
Continue readingFinally, Sakura wo sakimasu! The Cherry Blossoms are blooming!
Its about 2 weeks later than normal, but the Cherry Blossoms are finally here! The trees across the street from my office, whose buds have been shut up tighter than a nun’s ass for the last month, are finally showing signs of opening. By the weekend I am sure that
Continue readingWell I'm impressed
Xiaxue, the “star” of Singapore bloggers has some pictures of the Singapore Fashion week shows. Over at her blog: she posted pictures of the lingerie show. Its got my attention. I’m awake now. Subscribe in a reader
Continue readingWell I’m impressed
Xiaxue, the “star” of Singapore bloggers has some pictures of the Singapore Fashion week shows. Over at her blog: she posted pictures of the lingerie show. Its got my attention. I’m awake now. Subscribe in a reader
Continue readingPope John Paul the Second passes away….
Last night, one of the greatest figures of the 20th century passed on. Whether you are Catholic or not, its hard not have anything but the deepest respect for the man. God keep him and give him peace. . Karol Wojtyla was an unexpected choice for pope when he was
Continue readingThe Suzy Wong problem…….
I’ve been following the exploits of Expat at Large as he visited Phuket. A far better writer than your humble scribe here, he has an animated discussion going about the trials and tribulations of getting involved with bar girls. Expat at Large is not doing it, (he’s smarter than that),
Continue readingIt may be up to us, how Asia based blogs may be the last true bloggers in the World.
The coming crackdown on blogs in the US.Be afraid…be very afraid…… I don’t normally read Michelle Makin, except when I get one of those loony right wing e-mails from one of my buddies and it usually has her picture and a quote from one of her articles. ( She’s like
Continue readingIs the great leader losing it?
Holy freaking evil empire Batman! Can it be, the great leader, Kim Jong Il can’t keep the masses in line? I was watching NHK tonight and they had detailed coverage of the football ( soccer to us Americans) match between N. Korea and Iran last night held in Pyongyang. Seems
Continue readingAnother month gone-tidbits of interest
Wow, this month has really flown by. Just got done getting my trip to Hong Kong set up for next month. Amazingly I could get cheap airfare, but what the F*&^ is going on with hotel prices in Hong Kong the last week of April? Obscene is an understatement. Something
Continue readingLife , Sex, and Good Wine.
Last night I went to see the movie Sideways. It was nominated for an Academy Award and now I can see why. Its a great examination of the journey into older years, and the process of coming to terms with the reality of : ” Is this all there is?”
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