Japanese citizens listen to the Emperor broadcast the news that Japan had accepted the Potsdam declarationIn Japan, August 15 is known as Shusen kinenbi ??????(literally, end of the war memorial day.) This year is the 60th anniversary of the end of taiheiyou dai sensou.????????The Pacific War). At noon, August 15
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Tonight is the Tokyo Bay fireworks. The S.O. and I were supposed to be on a train there by now, but thanks to the arrival of her “monthly friend” she has been laid low and begged off. At first I was miffed and a tad bit skeptical, then by accident,
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Just got back from going to the dentist for a cleaning. Necessary though it is, it just goes to reaffirm why I could never have been a doctor or a dentist. Hats off to those who do. Especially good looking Dental Assistants! (Images courtesy of www.drfreyman.com) Why is it having
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Woke up early this morning. MSNBC is on, talking about cheating. They have the usual cast of criminals on, a pontificating bitch arguing that marriage is holy and sacred, a bimbo who says every one is doing it, Ron Reagan….(not sure where he comes down on this….) and a psychologist.
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Its amazing what 12 hours of sleep will do for a person. While I was in Guam I got about that amount over 3 days. Last night I was in bed by 7:30……..Now if I can just remember to eat 3 squares per day and remember that beer is not
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Came home from Guam today. I am tired. I’m going to have to figure out something different, I just don’t have the stamina to burn the candle at all ends like I did this trip. Guess that’s a sign of getting older. Lots of work to catch up on first,
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There is a reason they tell you that staying up til 3 am drinking and then trying to make an 8:06 tee time is not a good idea………. However I made it and played some soggy golf up at Alte today. The rain here never seems to stop. Now that
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I don’t make this stuff up……… That being said there sure is a lot of buffoonry going around these days. Consider a few juicy tidbits: From a few years back under the category of going the extra mile……. I can’t believe this. But it was in the Japanese paper, they
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To continue with my personal crusade againstUSFSPA injustice….; discussed here, here, and here. Yesterday, I came across this little tidbit from Tom Philpott in his Military Update column at Military.com. A true example of DOD lawyer double talk if you ever heard it: To correct a point in your Military
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As long as I have been around the US government in a working capacity, I have been astounded at how often the General Accounting Office (an office of Congress) f**ks things up. Today, reading Stars and Stripes I was given yet another reminder of their inability to portray an accurate
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