Did not post yesterday as I had to go out for a remote site visit. Also it was September 11, a day that used to be just a normal day, but now will never be just another day ever again. I was in Japan when the attacks happened and had
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Well, not really since, you can drink in Bahrain. Was pretty lucky today. Cathay Pacific upgraded me to business class so the ride out from Hong Kong was pretty good. I was able to put the seat back and actually get some sleep and cure my hangover jet lag. At
Continue readingA traveling man is a happy man!
Ah Narita airport. Site of unending construction, aircraft flying, lines in Immigration and dark gray skies. Back here again for a quick jaunt to Hong Kong then catch the express train plane to hell Bahrain. A week’s worth of work there, then hope to be able to buy Spike a
Continue readingArt, like life, is all about perspective.
Pictures from my friend’s trip to Canada. He says he loved seeing the CN tower: Subscribe in a reader
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Not much to say tonight, tomorrow is a work day up here. After going out to an Izikaya,(Japanese drinking restaurant) have had more than my fair share of beer and food. A good time, but now I’m sleepy. Have been watching the Typhoon coverage down in Kyushu. Nagasaki and Kyushu
Continue readingHas Bush lost his mind, or is he just that lazy?
Just read that Bush has nominated Roberts to be Chief Justice. How he could bypass, 7 sitting justices to promote a newcomer who has not even been confirmed for his previous nomination is beyond me. WTF? Guess he never read about Abe Fortas while he was slouching his way through
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I had a nice little post typed up about a nice day today when Blogger ate the damn thing. There is nothing more frustrating than going to hit “Publish Post” and getting the white screen of death! “Cannot find server” my ass!! Tried to recover in the history file, no
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Trip up on the Shin was great! I still have yet to understand why within 40 minutes of boarding any train, I am fast asleep. Both me and the S.O. heads on each others shoulders sawing logs while the country side went whizzing by. Got some good pix, but I
Continue readingIt would seem God has weighed in on the Supreme Court debate.
Just found out that William Rehnquist has died. Sad news for America, because I always felt he did an excellent job navigating the judicial minefield that both parties had created by asking the courts to support their political agendas. A great man. May God give you rest and peace. The
Continue readingThis train keeps on a rolling!
I hear the train a comin’It’s rollin’ ’round the bend,And I ain’t seen the sunshine,Since, I don’t know when,I’m stuck in Folsom Prison,And time keeps draggin’ on,But that train keeps a-rollin’,On down to San Antone.–Johnny Cash Thank God I’m not in Folsom prison , but I do like trains. So
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