In Japan after the first of the year, it is customary to express New Years greetings to family friends the first time you meet them in the new year. ????????????????????????????????(Congratulations on the New Year. In this year too, please continue to favor me.) Wise words. Celebrating in the New Year:
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Eddie over at his blog has some more detail on the recent murder in Yokosuka. He rightly heaps scorn on those who may have done this and the dishonor they bring to the US in general……..Good reading. Subscribe in a reader
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Today has been very interesting to say the least. A 56 year old woman was murdered in Yokosuka and an American sailor stands accused: YOKOHAMA (Kyodo) Police launched a murder investigation Tuesday after a woman was found lying in blood in a building in Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture, and later died.
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This would never happen in Hong Kong or Korea……….(walking away laughing out loud…..). Guess they could not drink on duty so the “ugly ones” never had a chance to get prettier…….. Subscribe in a reader
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The thing I hate about the time after New Year’s is the return to normalcy. That wonderful period between just before Christmas, and after New Years, is kind of an unreal state. Only essential things get done, otherwise people are just marking time at work. Because of the amount of
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Bored at work? No good TV on at home? Don’t feel like blogging? GI Korea has found a new game for you to play: Its endorsed by Kim Il Sung himself! Subscribe in a reader
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This year is definitely not starting out according to plan. The S.O. and I were supposed to go to the shrine today to say intentions for the New Year. Turns out she still did not feel 100% plus it was freezing rain today. So we stayed inside, at home. Talked
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Well its the first day of the new year. It’s kind of hard to believe that we are in the second half of the decade already. It only seems like yesterday that I was in the states, enduring a quiet new years and plotting my escape from drudgery. Now it
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Today was pretty good day. Which is good because on the whole its been a so-so year. However even a so-so year here, still beats any of the so-called “good” years I spent living the “typical”, mind numbing, soul smothering existence I had with my ex and my ambition……….. Tonight
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Its new years eve! I love the whole traditon of a long boozy party, with the countdown to New Years, followed by sloppy kisses with whatever willing member of the opposite sex you can find……( Unless the wife or girlfriend is there….in which case you have to give her the
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