Early to bed. Early to rise. Makes a man……..a lousy blogger. Played golf with S.O. and we walked. Between that and a trip to the treadmill at the gym, I was sawing logs on the couch at 7:45 pm. Either I am getting old or I need more exercise! Surfing
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No post yesterday. As we get ready to move, the S.O. and I have been going together to the gym every afternoon. We’ve taken to eating a big lunch, then doing treadmill and stair-stepper in the late afternoon and then a very light dinner. Last night I did that, had
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I wanted to post about the war today, but the post in my mind still needs a lot of refinement. I’m struggling to find the right words to express my frustration that after 3 years of commitment to help an Arab nation, not helped by its Arab neighbors, and unable
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For me Memorial Day was pretty much a blur changing 17 time zones and then getting home from Narita. So this post comes a day late. However I would be remiss if I did not pay recognition to the brave souls who went forth from the nation, with full expectation
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Will be on planes and trains for the next few days. I’ll have some things to say when I get back. I do however have a movie recommendation for you. If you have not seen Thank you for Smoking, you should. I had not seen it till, while packing, I
Continue readingNow its time to say goodbye to Nevada.
Been a busy couple of days. Up/down count was -200 but I made back 180 last night so the net coounts is down $85.00. Guess that officially makes me a loser. I’m having a hard time making sense of the Congressional catfight between George Bush and the Congress of the
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Up/Down count- Down $75.00 I hate it when the lady dealer leaves and gets replaced by a guy while I have a beer coming………. In case you have not noticed I am a cheap gambler. I jumped in the poker pool last night, and played Texas Hold-em, but I bailed
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Up/Down report: Down $45.00………All at the blackjack table. Probably has something to do with the fact that I choose Blackjack dealers based on breast size…… Made it Nevada and took my time getting to my hotel. Did a few stops in a couple of casinos and invested a few dollars.
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I knew this was going too well. The boneheads at Delta airlines , when I called to make sure everything was set, not so politely informed me that if I did not get the S.O. back to RDU it would invalidate her whole intinerary back to Narita. I could however
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Long day……problems with guess who….not time to post. Waylaid for a lot more hours than I planned. More to follow this weekend……need beer, need babes. Post those tomorrow.
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