Yesterday, I went back to my old stomping grounds. We are deep in the middle of moving this weekend, but we thought we’d take advantage of the weather and see friends since they were having an open base day on Saturday. Played golf, got rained on, then went to see
Continue readingBreakfast with the King
You are the Longest serving Prime Minister in Japanese history. You’ve been branded as “Bush’s poodle”. You have gotten the JMSDF/JASDF/JGSDF to deploy overseas in spite of popular opinion against these deployments. You’ve thumped your opponents in a snap election over postal reform. You’ve done a good job making S.Korea
Continue readingThe Soccer Mom navy……….
Lechery, lechery;still, wars and lechery: nothing else holds fashion. A burning devil take them! A friend who is still in the Navy and I were doing some quality drinking the other night. He was bemoaning the outbreak of the what he calls “the morals police”. He had recently been down
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While I was in Hawaii I watched the coverage of the Senate debate about the war with utter amazement. I could not understand why the Democrats allowed themselves to lured into something that will only highlight how divided and silly they look and are. Joe Klein summed up the dilemma
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Jakartass poses an interesting question: “How come A blog dedicated to cats that look like Hitler can get 38,000 hits in two months whereas it took me ‘only’ two years to approach that figure?” Enquiring minds want to know! Subscribe in a reader
Continue readingI’m wondering the same thing myself!
Jakartass poses an interesting question: “How come A blog dedicated to cats that look like Hitler can get 38,000 hits in two months whereas it took me ‘only’ two years to approach that figure?” Enquiring minds want to know! Subscribe in a reader
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Today was a quick trip in to close out computer accounts and such, say how much fun it was working here (lying through my teeth…), and get the hell out of dodge. Back at the hotel by 12, thought seriously about plunking down the bucks to play Turtle Bay, decided
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Today was a quick trip in to close out computer accounts and such, say how much fun it was working here (lying through my teeth…), and get the hell out of dodge. Back at the hotel by 12, thought seriously about plunking down the bucks to play Turtle Bay, decided
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Well, one day out of the barn over at Sourrain’s and I think she already gave me a “BVR bitch slap” ( literally one across the international date line….).I think I’ve either been insulted or insulted her. Oh well, if you are going to go around watching what you say……you
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Another busy day today. Mornings have been full, conference call at noon, then I get some free time in the afternoon then a video conference in the evening. Not making it back to the room till afte 8…………grrrrr!!! I am also busy because I am doing a stint of guest
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