I’m lucky enough to count Steeljaw Scribe as a friend of mine. He’s someone I really respect. He’s passed along to me his idea for observing 9-11. The 2996 project was started as an attempt to have individual blogs host a remembrance of each of the victims of the attack
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As you have probably noticed, I’m a pretty moody guy. Especially over the last few months. I’ve had so many ups and downs it would be funny if it were not happening to me. You would think I was going through menopause or something! Yesterday was one of those lows.
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Princess Kiko did her maternal duty. The new prince from day one of his life will be paid an annual stipend of 3 million yen a year. His sisters also receive the same amount each year, Prince Akishino receives 30.5 million yen, and Princess Kiko gets 15.25 million yen for
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The blog has been slow to load and I finally found out why. My Jedi quiz source site has gone away……damn. FIxed the sight and am actively seeking a witty substitute. Please stand by. Subscribe in a reader
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I’m in a very down mood tonight. I’ve been down all day….one could almost say I’m depressed, but I don’t get depressed. I just get angry, horny then drunk. That way I pass out before depression………… Lots of reasons for this, mostly war, politics, and work related. However there are
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Back in February, I posted about Princess Kiko. Kiko-sama had patriotically become pregnant and so gave the royal family one more chance to get a male heir to the throne. Today she helped a whole host of people in the Imperial household breathe easier……she gave birth to a boy. Bottom
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That’s what I used to say when I saw something that did not look quite right. Like when you see a totally gorgeous girl with an overweight older man. True love? Probably not. Currency exchange? Maybe. There is a story there. Yesterday went and had lunch at one of my
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Just like Dick Cheney, I’m blogging from an undisclosed location. Taking of couple of days just for myself in a place I like. Sitting here drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. Speaking of reading, I have been doing some on the plane here. Thought I would share some of the
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Over at Lex’s place, there is a fascinating arguement discussion going on about the war in Iraq. A British writer, OD , has decided to get in the ring and mix it up with a former fighter pilot. Lots of good issues raised on both sides of the aisle. There
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Today was about as happy as having a root canal. The place where I was working was bound determined to bleed every bit of pain out of every indvidual here. Never mind that at the outlying sites, the folks were packing it in early and folding like a cheap suit.
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