Is it just me, or are you just as confused over the flap about Bill Clinton losing his temper with a Fox news reporter? See when Bill loses his temper-which is reputed to be quite easy-he is judged as having “lost it”, “overstepped his bounds”, and “guilty of an ego
Continue readingNew day, new Prime Minister……..
It was all Abe all the time at our place last night. NHK had a special news broadcast to celebrate the election of Shinzo Abe ( pronounced AH be, not Abe). The 52-year-old president of the ruling LDP is the youngest postwar prime minister and the first to be born
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For those of you paying attention to this blog lately, and to borrow a phrase from Bob Uecher, “And judging by the attendance figures, a lot of you haven’t!”, I thought I would point out that not everything here is sheer drivel. Sometimes, rarely I will admit, I actually write
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If you are Gloria Macdangalang Arroyo that is. On the outside she exhibits confidence, but you know she has to be watching the US response to the coup in Thailand very carefully. Now mind you it has nothing to do with the fact that Thaksin may have deserved it, being
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The Navy launched its Littoral Combat Ship this weekend.. Love them or hate them, they are expensive. This poster kind of captures the feeling: For you Navy folks just take out the words B-52, and substitute LCS for F-22 and the meaning remains the same. Nuff said on that! Subscribe
Continue readingKind of says it all, doesn’t it?
The Navy launched its Littoral Combat Ship this weekend.. Love them or hate them, they are expensive. This poster kind of captures the feeling: For you Navy folks just take out the words B-52, and substitute LCS for F-22 and the meaning remains the same. Nuff said on that! Subscribe
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I finally got off my ass and reorganized and updated the links. Hopefully I got everyone and they are correct. If you know someone I missed, who should be a part of the “Fair haired fraternity of expat ragers against the Man!” let me know. E @ L ‘s caveat
Continue readingKarl Rove's new best friend……….
I’ll bet the Democrats are wishing they could “waterboard” Kofi Annan about now. Because this year’s General Assembly session is a die hard Republican’s wet dream. And all it cost Karl Rove is a couple of Noam Chomsky books………….. If he could get Hugo and Mahmoud Whasshisname to come along
Continue readingKarl Rove’s new best friend……….
I’ll bet the Democrats are wishing they could “waterboard” Kofi Annan about now. Because this year’s General Assembly session is a die hard Republican’s wet dream. And all it cost Karl Rove is a couple of Noam Chomsky books………….. If he could get Hugo and Mahmoud Whasshisname to come along
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And you know what that means…………. Time for one of these: And then go look at the top ten list of these: Have a great weekend! Subscribe in a reader
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