No post yesterday. Or the day before. For some unknown reason related to Blogger or my ISP, the site just would not load. So I finally gave up and went to bed. Went out to dinner tonight at a new Chinese restaurant. On the way home we stopped in a
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I came to realize yesterday, while I was driving back from the golf course, that this war does not have one. One of the great things about my new(used) car is that it has a CD player that works. So I can rock out during the extra time it takes
Continue readingMy theme song………
My son called me at 4:30 this morning. Nowadays, when the phone rings in the middle of the night, I assume it can only be bad news. Fortunately, it was not; he just wanted to talk. Nonetheless it screwed me up sleep wise. So I popped in “Thank you for
Continue readingGood news and bad news.
First the bad news………… THERE IS NO TOKYO AUTO SHOW THIS YEAR! Waaahhh! Waaaaah! Who the f**k decided to skip a year? So that means I will not be taking the train to Makahri Messe in 2 weeks so that I can drink beer and eye tech babes. On the
Continue readingSome great quotes………..
Read some great quotes that need to be repeated today: Under the category of keeping one’s eye on the real ball game: Finally, accept that Afghanistan will remain Afghanistan. It will not become Switzerland. Stop promoting things like “womens’ rights,” i.e. Feminism, that tell the locals we want to force
Continue readingCultural differences…………..
Went out with the S.O. for Sushi tonight. I O.D.’ed on it eating 15 plates so now I am very sleepy. However I did think I should relate this little incident that almost started a catfight: The S.O. and I had waited about 20 minutes we got seated at a
Continue readingTheir own worst enemy………
Yes I am……….. But besides me, there are a few others out there who are expert at shooting themselves in the foot. Lets start with Dear Leader. You know, the dorky looking guy with huge glasses who according to Colbert: “Likes James Bond, Good Scotch and Daffy Duck cartoons”. Always
Continue readingI thought O-4's were hinges…?
I wonder if these guys are anything like JOPA? H/T to MajMike, via LEX Subscribe in a reader
Continue readingI thought O-4’s were hinges…?
I wonder if these guys are anything like JOPA? H/T to MajMike, via LEX Subscribe in a reader
Continue readingThis cannot be good…………..
The little bastards in North Korea may have gone and done it: South Korean government officials said North Korea performed its first-ever nuclear weapons test Monday, the South’s Yonhap news agency reported. South Korean officials could not immediately confirm the report. South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun convened an urgent meeting
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