I am coming to the conclusion that if conservative outlets cannot win you with their ideas, they will wow you with appeals to the pruient interest. After all, when is the last time you saw a Fox news lady who you would not have slept with? I haven’t seen one.
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I am coming to the conclusion that if conservative outlets cannot win you with their ideas, they will wow you with appeals to the pruient interest. After all, when is the last time you saw a Fox news lady who you would not have slept with? I haven’t seen one.
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I miss Bloom County. I really enjoyed that comic strip during the 80’s and early 90’s with its satire of government and in particular, the foibles of the rich and famous. So I was pleasantly suprised to see that Berkely Breathed had started a Sunday strip which brought Opus and
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This is not about the Weblog awards. Since yours truly was good and duly snubbed by the voting public, I’ll let Lex and Phibian and all the other losers slug it out for web log of the year positions. I’ve got my mind on something more important. That’s right, Geeky
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Halo scan appears not to be working today. Frustrating for a guy who lives for comments……………… Please come back and comment again. We apologize for any inconvienence. Subscribe in a reader
Continue readingHolidays….and tradition.
Back and reasonably un-jetlagged. I did not appreciate waking up at 6am , however, unable to go back to sleep. The JAL flight was pretty uncrowded thanks to the Honolulu Marathon, which meant I had the rare priveledge of having a a 3 seat row all to my self. And
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My excursion into the make believe world that is. On the plane tomorrow back to Nihon. Once back there I can resume plotting my escape from all of this. Today was the first decent day I have had in 10 days. Went up to Barbers Point to play golf. It
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When I could today, which was not often, I tried to watch the news about the Iraq study group. One of the big problems with working in the Air Force building I am working in is that all the TV’s are turned to Fox News ( or to sports). That
Continue readingYesterday, December 7………….
Note to the Honolulu airport hotel. So long as you are renovating this s**thole, spend some bucks, run some Ethernet cable, and put hi speed internet in the rooms. Either that or open a bar. This running back and forth to the room for a beer while blogging in the
Continue readingMiss Manners…..
“I’m a veg Danny……” Watched Caddyshack last night after I came back the to my room late as usual. Did get some time off on Sunday then back to the slave ship on Monday. The overseers seemed to have picked up some new whips in the interim. Did play golf
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