For those of us on the right side of the international date line. For you folks back in the land of fat women…you’ll have to wait a while………….. Religious or not, you have to admit Christmas produces some good music. I love putting Christmas Carols on the DVD player while
Continue readingGood Lord! It’s Christmas Eve………….
For those of us on the right side of the international date line. For you folks back in the land of fat women…you’ll have to wait a while………….. Religious or not, you have to admit Christmas produces some good music. I love putting Christmas Carols on the DVD player while
Continue readingBack to reality………
” Wine, good food, and roses; the milieu that is Tokyo out beyond the windows under a round moon. Not so young lovers….joined together by accidents of geography and fate;…….making love on a broad hospitable bed, performing secret rites as old as time, but forever fresh and sweet between lovers,
Continue readingTaking Stock……..
It is 5 days till Christmas! Accordingly I hereby declare a ban on politics and the war for at least till after that. Beer and babes, however, will always be available. After all what goes better with Christmas than that? Also, I’ll be out of touch for about 3 days.
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Went through and updated my links. Added some Japan blogs that have been kind enough to link to me, as well as a thought provoking military blog by a guy I know, Jeff Huber. He was an XO during the period that I was a CO- of a sister E-2
Continue readingWhat happens when you have fun……..
Here in the brave new world is what happens when you go out with your buddies- in the new Soccer Mom Navy. Courtesy of my friends at Click on the image! Subscribe in a reader
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Yesterday the S.O. and I went to a Christmas concert with a combined US Navy and JMSDF band playing songs for the holiday. It was quite good and a good compensation to the fact that I was unable to play golf. They played an adaptation of one of my favorite
Continue readingAll the news that fits!
Or at least fits my mood today. Weather here is cold, windy and rainy, putting a damper on my hopes of playing golf. Yesterday, the S.O. went to a Shrine sale. She goes with a bunch of other ladies , Japanese and American, and they leave early. I rolled over
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I watched the news shows this AM. Much as I think Cal Thomas is a despicable piece of human excrement most days-right up there with his fellow piece of dung Krauthammer, he did have a point today. A human being is lying in a hospital fighitng for his life and
Continue readingThe new political correctness………..
Yea I did it again. Opened my big mouth on a subject I feel strongly about.and got the usual blow back. I, of course reacted on instinct with my usual reply:. Fortunately for me, and for the United States in general, there is a woman of stature, wisdom, and vision,
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