I am back in the US for a little while with restricted internet access……..I have to use the library. Will post when able. Interesting day going from Seoul to US. I’ll blog about my Kansai airport adventure when I am not sticking money in an hotel internet terminal. Subscribe in
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People should be able to visit 4FoW…………… Certainly it has less complications than this. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Guess it all comes back to advice an old mentor gave me once: “Boys, there are plenty of fish in the river. That’s why you never, ever, sleep
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Years old blogging that is……………….. Some people think I never left being a 2 year old………….. Read here to find out why I started the blog. I should have something pithy to write about my blogging experience. However I had to get up at 6 to make a 7 am
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The United States Air Force that is……… I wonder how much mayhem was threatened to accomplish this: Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House,can now fly in style at your expense. Speaker Pelosi has been granted authorization to make use of military aircraft whenever she sees fit.Lisa Sylvester reports. (BEGIN
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The author of this was killed in Iraq in Dec 2006. Thoughts and prayers go out to his family. This video came to me courtesy of GI Korea. Subscribe in a reader
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After some aggressive troubleshooting I got my laptop working again. (Also known as following the directions and not trying to be smarter than the machine……) A couple of funny reads for you. Joe Biden sends along his greetings for Black History Month and E @ L has a few choice
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My wireless card in my laptop seems to have died. This is not good at all. Posting will be light for a couple of days while I figure it out. For a computer junkie like me this is a bummer! Subscribe in a reader
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And the man won. Today has been frustrating to say the least. I was supposed to go to Seoul, but I finally got a hold of my sister to find out, to my relief, that my parents are OK. The woman needs to learn how to leave a message when
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My days with blogger are numbered I think. I’m going to get my own domain. Besides freezing my face and a** off last night while stumbling back from the bars, I awoke to find that when I log into blogger it all comes up in Hangul. Talented I may be,
Continue readingThis ought to be fun to watch……
Military Bloggers get stirred up about. From today’s Lou Dobbs show (which I can watch at lunch over here): LISA SYLVESTER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Democrats rode into Congress on a wave of reform. They promised to run things differently than their Republican counterparts. REP. NANCY PELOSI, (D-CA) HOUSE SPEAKER: This
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