And in the process points out why Hugh Hewitt is a poor writer. One has to push back when these guys-regardless of which side of the aisle they are on-distort the facts. Like when William “The Bloody” Kristol tries to just make them up out of thin air. The surge-monger
Continue readingMeanwhile, back in the present…….
We are starting to get ready to go back to Korea…. 🙁 Here is the USFK inbriefing: Work harder! Not smarter! Subscribe in a reader
Continue readingA Will Smith moment……
About a year and a half ago I wrote this post. I wrote that post out of frustration, after having tried, in vain, to convince my boss not to make a not so good choice. My boss-despite warnings from several sources- made the decision to go with a certain choice.
Continue readingThomas Freidman gets it.
He really does-Iraq is about the Iraqis, and their failure to do anything for themselves. In the end it’s not the Democrats who are failing Iraq-it is the Iraqis not even living up to the incredibly low standards Arabs set for themselves. Help Wanted: Peacemaker By Thomas L. Friedman I
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I went into Tokyo yesterday. To Ebisu to be specific-but I took a little different way to get there than I normally do. Which gave a me a lot of time to observe and read the latest and greatest news from Nihon. <———————————————————————————-> To the very cute girl in the
Continue readingAn oldie
But still a goodie. Though probably not as funny after the 7/7 bombings. However I thought about this song on the Subway today. (Reason 345 to be glad I’m in Japan). Mili can you verify? London Underground Song See more like this on Subscribe in a reader
Continue readingBad day in Nigata…….
This has been a weird summer. Rain, cool temps and typhoons and now earthquakes! 7 dead, over 700 wounded in a strong earth quake in Niigata prefecture near Kashiwazaki city: This video is from Niigata City. Prime Minister Abe was in Nagasaki and was rushed back to Tokyo by JASDF
Continue readingI knew it!
Thomas Barnett points out in his blog, what many of us knew deep down. Midlife crisis is caused by women and women really do marry for money. They also prove that Muslim suicide bombers are sexually repressed…..but I think most of us knew that already. The other key ingredient is
Continue readingConfusion….
The S.O. and I went to a dinner party last night. With the Typhoon bearing down on Tokyo, sticking close to home was the right thing to do. It was interesting in many ways-I could not drink, so all I could really do was watch and listen. And realize how
Continue readingAnother rat leaves the ship………
The ship that is George Bush’s presidency that is……….. Imagine if you will, if this were a parliamentary style of government-would George Bush survive a no confidence vote? Probably not-especially when Bush supporters like this one start questioning his sincerity. I’m not referring to what used to be called Bush
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