PROFANITY ALERT! Spike has it right-America has gone off the deep end socially and politically. I also owe every freelancer from Orchard Road to the LA Cafe to Wanchai an unqualified apology. You see, I used to call Michelle MacaganlangMalkin a whore. Now I realize that by doing so, I’m
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Here in Japan the clock is ticking. The one on the special Anti-Terrorism law, the one that authorizes JMSDF ships to refuel ships supporting operations in Afghanistan. This week the oldest ship in the United States Navy was drawn into the argument. The Minshuto (Democratic Party of Japan) is vowing
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Spent time after dinner drinking these: Thinking about these: And fixing these: LINKS Check em out!
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Dr. Mcoy’s worst nightmare come true: H/T to Japundit!
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Loans for divorce that is. The Mainichi Shinbum is reporting that a small bank in Gifu Prefecture is offering divorce loans: Love is grand. But divorce is 100 grand. At least! But now there’s a bank out there to help the growing number of Japanese couples who want to untie
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I’m sure E @ L would agree: Putin positions himself as Russia’s Lee Kuan Yew-One hears much about the “death of democracy” in Russia these days, especially as current President Vladimir Putin muses openly about slipping into the office of prime minister to sidestep constitutional term limits. As a former
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My favorite DOD punching bag, Dr Davd Chu-he of “I’d rather side with lawyers than do the right thing for military retirees” fame-really had nothing to do with this. Except in the fact that the tone he sets as Undersecretary for Personnel Readiness, sets the tone for rules enforcement such
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One of my favorite commentators, Fred Reed is taking a sabbatical. To some degree I share his frustration, although his readership is large and mine is not. More than burnout is involved. People write columns in the (faint) hope of changing things. No, a web site will not alter the majestic course
Continue readingWorth repeating……
I watched This Week today on AFN. I love watching George Will. Because lately he has been on a roll-telling the Emperor that he has no clothes: Social conservatives should grow up. If they want to rally around somebody, why don’t try that? Huckabee needs support and money now. If
Continue readingA good walk spoiled……….
By a not so great golf game. Ask me again, why I love living overseas.
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