And a huge bit of begging. S.O. and I are going up to Nikko for an overnight-to watch the turning leaves and hopefully get me (and her) out of this simultaneous funk we are in before we kill each other. Can anyone help me figure out how to set content
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While I was out shopping yesterday I came across this little tome: The book opens well: Am I the only guy in this country who’s fed up with what’s happening? Where the hell is our outrage? We should be screaming bloody murder. We’ve got a gang of clueless bozos steering
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From George Bush’s playbook. If Congress won’t give you what you want-just ignore them. The new Prime Minister has drafted a new version of the Special Anti-terrorism law-the one that allows JMSDF oilers (unlike our navy properly manned by Sailors) to refuel coalition ships in the Indian Ocean. Kenji Yamaoka,
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The cartoon character I want to have sex with: That’s right. Lily Wong has returned to Hong Kong newspapers. It’s also got its own web site, so now blog readers can have something to read more interesting than Day by Day.(Which appears to be in hiatus). Particularly when you love
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The cartoon character I want to have sex with: That’s right. Lily Wong has returned to Hong Kong newspapers. It’s also got its own web site, so now blog readers can have something to read more interesting than Day by Day.(Which appears to be in hiatus). Particularly when you love
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Is one where you have to go meet people like this: And talk face to face with rising stars: It is a dirty job and Spike’s gotta do it! Thanks, Spike!
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Since Congress authorized the use of force in Iraq. I’ve been trying hard to fix in my mind the recent controversies over remarks made by LT. Gen Ricardo Sanchez, as well as the testimony of Gen Petreaus last month . I’ve been very confused about how to encapsulate where the Iraq
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Boo F**king hoo for Michelle Malkin. Seems she is all upset that the Atlanta Journal Constitution featured her in this cartoon. She once again shows that she likes to dish it out, but she can’t take it when the slime sticks to her new (Fox news paid for) clothes. As a
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To break out the straight razors. My former brother in law used to have a piece of paper taped to the refigerator. It said: I will shave from the waste waist down and the knees up the day the Tribe wins the series. I’m pretty sure he never figured on
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I always loved the bumper sticker that was around in the 70’s, “Gas, grass or ass-nobody rides for free!” . It is a pretty apt description of most male-female interactions in my opinion. Yesterday was a cloudy, cool day here. The S.O. and I had played golf on Saturday and
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