Lots of phone calls tonight, cranky/bitchy S.O., working on resume, surfing Monster and dreaming of the Mid-Levels apartment I will never have-generally crying in my beer. FUCKING RED SOX! That sums THAT up!. More tomorrow. In the meantime, go read the other Skippy. He’s on a roll with this post.
Continue readingEveryone loves a parade!
Except the people who have to march in one. Back in the day, when I was young, trim, and a strapping symbol of virility enrolled at the Fortress of Learning, we used to pray weekly for the heavens to open up on the city of Charleston each and every Friday
Continue readingNikko Trip…….
For once I remembered to take my digital camera with me. So Sourrain cannot bug me yet again for forgetting pictures ( especially with all the yummy food pix she posts on her site!). Transit time with two train changes was just under 3 hours-is this a great country or
Continue readingRiding that train………
Its a gaijin thing. The Japanese do not have a tradition of Halloween per se. It is, like so many things here, just a marketing gimmick for the department stores. After all in a country that is at best only 10% Christian, how can there be an All Saints Day-which would
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Is a whole fascination thing I never understood. However there are some guys who just get breathless thinking about the idea of a girl toting an Uzi. Me? Its just another woman out there who now has a way to inflict yet more pain on men and in the process
Continue readingOnce more into the breach dear friends!
It is October 25th. And you know what day that is right? Incidentally, from looking at the news-there are Turks involved in both wars that I note in my previous postings for this anniversary.
Continue readingThe most dangerous thing in Bahrain……..
Is Sailors attacking Sailors. It is not anything else……in my humble opinion. Now granted, I was never stationed in Bahrain, but I spent more than my fair share of time there trying to get a building completed so we could give a select group of Sailors a decent place to
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A tasty dish of crow that is. Deborah , I’ll have my crow sauteed with mushrooms please…….. And as for the Tribe? Well, I guess the razors can go back on the shelf for another year. I’m a Cubs fan after all-I thrive on dissapointment…………. At least the Yomiuri Giants
Continue readingWhat’s on the menu……
A tasty dish of crow that is. Deborah , I’ll have my crow sauteed with mushrooms please…….. And as for the Tribe? Well, I guess the razors can go back on the shelf for another year. I’m a Cubs fan after all-I thrive on dissapointment…………. At least the Yomiuri Giants
Continue readingA little break…..
And a huge bit of begging. S.O. and I are going up to Nikko for an overnight-to watch the turning leaves and hopefully get me (and her) out of this simultaneous funk we are in before we kill each other. Can anyone help me figure out how to set content
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