Under the premise of, “That’s not funny! That’s sick!” The Muppets celebrate Thanksgiving in the alternate universe:
Continue readingWorking your way up the ladder……..
I went out running this afternoon. Had spent the day in work trying to get some non-Korean related things done before I go back to the killing of trees in the name of allied unity. When your children are deprived of oxygen someday, and the sceptics have finally woken up
Continue readingThe vanishing Blue Train…..
They are called Shindaisha in Japanese. It means “sleeper train”. A couple of days ago, in our morning Asahi Shimbun, the paper ran a front page article about diminishing ridership on these train lines. The trains which, with the exception of the opulent Casseiopea Train which runs from Ueno to
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In my current funk, I’ve been coming to a slow realization. I’ve known it deep down all along, but the romantic in me has always wanted to suppress the reality of it. Because when you accept the fact that relationships are not about sex-but about power and whose dreams get mortgaged
Continue readingThe challenge of surfing the internet………
Is finding good quality, Â free (e.g. no credit card info required), porn videos. Fortunately for us all, FOX News has come to the rescue: Fair and balanced baby!
Continue readingUnpacking……..
As I have said before, nothing becomes Korea like the leaving of it. It is good to be home. Even it only is for a week and then I get to go back to the grind in the land of the morning calm, once again. Thank God for the Thanksgiving
Continue readingAs I seem to recall……..
Bullnav has to write a blog post praising a famous Citadel graduate. The reason: Citadel 70 -VMI 28 🙂
Continue readingBrain Dead…….
There’s a lot write about, however I just don’t have the brain cells to write about it right now. This has been a very long week. I sure wish I was back in the city that I love. Instead I am putting in long hours here. There are a few
Continue readingMy life
In three panels:
Continue readingSomeone has blundered……
That’s the title of a book I bought in HK. Its a history of calamaties of the British Army in the Victorian Age. It also could be the title of a short story about my current existence here in Korea. The project needs to be done, but the guy who
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