To the earlier discussion about gun control. As a part of my job, I monitor the Israeli English press and where I can get them, translations of Hebrew newspapers. There was an excellent article in The Jerusalem Post this week about the Israeli approach to firearms and the American one.
Continue readingGood News for Cleveland…..
Maybe Donald, the talking yam, will make America great again. Certainly , Cleveland is looking forward to a good time in July: Last month, artist Spencer Tunick put out a call for women to pose nude at the Republican National Convention this summer. They’ll be part of his latest large-scale art installation: “Everything She Says
Continue readingThe four horsemen are saddling up
The four horsemen of the apocalypse that is. As if having Donald Trump on a presidential ballot were not proof enough the Anti-Christ is alive and walking among us, now comes a day when I actually agree with a Republican Congressman from Mississippi. Repent! The hour of judgment is at hand!
Continue readingBlind squirrels and acorns
Do sometimes get together. If you have been coming here for a decent interval you know that I hold both the National Review and the Weekly Standard in utter contempt. I read them to find out how the ill informed voter thinks and to find satire worthy materials. But every
Continue readingWith whatever strength is given to me, I shall oppose him to the last.
The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it. -Albert Einstein One of the narratives that seems to be making the rounds these days is the idea that in this election, “both
Continue readingThe invisible hand kills people
Besides all the other things that are at stake in this current Presidential election; trivial things like the survival of the United States as a democracy and survival of a free press, is also trying to put a nail in the coffin of those folks who believe that the “market
Continue readingThank God it’s Friday!
As a part of the conference I am hosting I had to go to a social event last night. After a couple of large hefeweizens, a member of our group brought up the subject of the demon that is Donald Trump. Like throwing chum in the water, I took the
Continue readingAn idea that is long overdue.
If you have been a long time reader here, you will know that one of my pet peeves is that the Navy has more flag officers than it has ships. A few years ago I picked a fight with one of the Naval Institute’s “preferred customers” on this very subject. Well, it took
Continue readingDay Late and more than a dollar short
Got dragged to Leonburg today for what turned into a sojourn all over Stuttgart to look at antiques. Not my idea of a good time! I had meant to post this yesterday, in honor of It being mid-May and weather is finally getting decent. Which means its time to drink
Continue readingPour yourself a drink.
And watch ALL of this interview with Jon Stewart. It is awesome-especially his well crafted dissection of the talking yam, Donald Trump, and the worthless souls who support him. In fact pour yourself two drinks-and watch the whole thing:
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