Up early and on our way to catch the train to Niko for a weekend together. Consider this an open post till I get back Sunday night. Question. Do you think Obama’s campaign has peaked? And now its sliding downhill? I think he may have crested and does not realize
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I got blindly drunk last night-just barely stumbling onto the last train back out of Yokohama. The S.O. was none too pleased when I darkened our doorstep at 1:30 am in as foul a humor as I have been in years. It is 6 am now and my head hurts. When
Continue readingThe payoff…………
You knew this was coming. There was going to be some sort of payoff to the general, the only real question was would it come now or in the next administration. Now we have the answer-it comes now and in doing so the administration flips a big bird to the
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Chalk up another candidate for my trusty Louisville Slugger: This guy had a job that I would kill for. Jet around the world, usually in first class or on a private plane, and then tell everyone else how to have a marvellously expensive good time. What’s not to like
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On the plane back from LAX, I watched a really neat Japanese movie. It is called ALWAYS , (Always san-chome no yuhi-literally third district sunset in Japanese). The movie was released in 2005, but it has a look and feel of the time period that it is set in, 1958.
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What do The Townhall Harlot and the Chinese government have in common? They can both dish out criticism, but they cannot take it. With the Chinese, it seems they don’t like having the truth about their stinking commie government pointed out by CNN. With Michelle Malkin it has to do
Continue readingSo long as we are parsing campaign speeches……..
How about deconstructing this, from John McCain: John McCain screwed up on Foreign Policy 101 AGAIN. Yesterday at the AP annual meeting, McCain said he would defer any decision to General Petraeus over whether troops should be shifted from Iraq to Afghanistan in order to intensify the search for Osama
Continue readingWhat Michelle Malkin and her cohort have brought us to…..
The key factor in US elections is this:
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The Patriot Express is running again. Much to every-one’s chagrin who actually has to take the plane. The Patriot Express is the name of the Air Mobility Command charter plane that runs from LAX to the bases in Japan. For several years now the AMC was trying to kill the
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It would appear at least a couple of Obama supporters are-when it comes to the subject of last nights debate: Update! That particular video has been taken down. Suspect ABC filed some sort of copyright protest, I’m sure. Or maybe not. I found another version and have updated the post.
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