Between this: And this: Market drops 353 points!. Not surprised. BR: [BR is reading Heather’s damning article] Bitch. Nick Naylor: Whore.
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Barak Obama, John Gielgud has a message for you about the Presidency: You spoiled little bastard! You’re a man who has everything, haven’t you, but that’s not enough. You feel unloved, Barack, welcome to the world. Everyone is unloved. Now stop feeling sorry for yourself. This is not a tie
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Switched the tube over to the convention while the S.O. was indisposed. And who should be speaking at the Republican convention-the gathering of those folks who are in touch with “real America”? Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett Packard, who-in the course of a a 6 year tenure as CEO,
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Holy Cow! Dr Laura and I agree on something! I’m stunned – couldn’t the Republican Party find one competent female with adult children to run for Vice President with McCain? I realize his advisors probably didn’t want a “mature” woman, as the Democrats keep harping on his age. But really,
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I do so love it when I am right! A nice little background piece of how the mayor went from being the mayor to being the Governor. And besides-she’s got Dick Masterson’s vote!
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I’m staying away from a lot of my favorite blogs for a while. The fact that they have gone so totally gaga over Gidget Palin is just too much. And I’ve given up trying to find nude pictures of her on the internet-so that’s a dead end hobby too. I’ll
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Hypocrisy the condition of a person pretending to be something he is not, especially in the area of morals or religion; a false presentation of belief or feeling. — hypocrite, n. — hypocritic, hypocritical, adj. As is my custom, I went and stuck my dick hands into a hornets nest
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The benefits and perils of a Parliamentary system: Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda said Monday that he will resign to ease political gridlock that is making it difficult to govern the country. “If it will help even a little bit to make the parliamentary session go smoother, I decided that
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Have answered the phone 5 different times today. Had to explain in Japanese to worried citizens of Nihon, that: While we do live in one of the states threatend by Gustav, we are in no way close to it. I’m not surprised-many Japanese know the names of the states, but
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Took the S.O. up to Nashville yesterday-we had planned to go someplace farther away, but having to travel on Thursday and the imminent arrival of Gustav meant that, just like the Republican convention, our plans had to be changed. I’m still trying to figure out if this is a blessing
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