Far East Cynic

At least they are having a debate…….

The Army is-among itself. Andrew Bacevich chronicles it. The chief participants in this debate—all Iraq War veterans—fixate on two large questions. First, why, after its promising start, did Operation Iraqi Freedom go so badly wrong? Second, how should the hard-earned lessons of Iraq inform future policy? Hovering in the background

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Getting caught with their pants down……

McCain’s not Saint Sarah’s………………………………………………… It would seem the people at Fact Check.Org do like having their words distorted. But McCain does not care one little bit-he’s going to do what ever it takes. He was a POW you know, that makes him invulnerable to character attacks: Current campaign aides and

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Sadly, I think he may be right.

My Canadian counter part about Obama that is: Yes, it’s happening again, if only because the party insists on nominating amateurs solely because they’re popular with people who don’t tend to vote in general elections. It’s happening again because the Democrats refuse to believe that empty platitudes can’t beat professional

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