At the Obama onsen in Nagasaki: What? There wasn’t one Nigerian they could have hired in Fukuoka? I kind of doubt it. If Black Face offends you, send them an e-mail.
Continue readingSpeaking of racist labels…..
Chirol does a pretty good deconstruction of why racial identification is, in fact, racist. Lastly, on that point, I will never use the term African-American because it is misused. Only someone who is actually African (say from Nigeria, Malawi etc) and immigrated to the US could MAYBE be called so.
Continue readingSome more inaugural observations…..
After work today I went to work out. When I came home I found the S.O. watching C-Span. That’s right C-Span. I almost fell over backwards. She was watching a re-run of the inaugural. As i put away my gym clothes in the dirty laundry, and hung up my suit
Continue readingWall Street voices its opinion of the new President…….
It would seem Wall Street did not have a high opinion of the President’s inaugration speech today: The first “first” of the Obama administration-the first time the Dow has been below 8000 since, 2004? Guess that line about the “greed of a few” did not strike a chord, eh?
Continue readingWelcome to the party pal!
I think the Chief Justice got the oath wrong in reading it to the new President. Oh well……. (I’m gonna review the video tonight….). I put my trust in you-you better deliver! If you don’t, I’ll be here to write about it. UPDATE! Chief Justice Roberts did get the oath
Continue readingHe's nothing like Truman……….
This last evening observes the final night of the administration of George W. Bush. As the clock has been ticking down towards a new beginning, his staunchest supporters have been publishing article after article, with a snarky tone, trying to tell people like me that – “See Bush was right
Continue readingHe’s nothing like Truman……….
This last evening observes the final night of the administration of George W. Bush. As the clock has been ticking down towards a new beginning, his staunchest supporters have been publishing article after article, with a snarky tone, trying to tell people like me that – “See Bush was right
Continue readingIdle thoughts on MLK day………..
I’ve always been ambivalent about Martin Luther King Day. Since his birthday falls on my mother’s birthday, I would just as soon celebrate her birthday. Her dreams and visions for me had a lot more to do with where I am now ( for good and ill) than anything Martin
Continue readingHow to marry a millionaire……
Wear shoes that don’t shock him!
Continue readingSteel Curtain…….
AGAIN! Just finished watching the Steelers beat the Ravens. ( Almost literally if you saw the hit Mcgahee took during the fourth quarter). Yes we can!
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