Greetings from the Holy City………….. ( Although I think Shopping Mall has a whole lot of churches too). Taking a weekend trip here to show the S.O. some of my roots. And to properly celebrate the 166th birthday a proper military education. Posting will be light.
Continue readingJust another day at Navy Fighter Weapons school…..
How to take a perfectly normal JO and turn him into a prima donna in just six short weeks:
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When men were men-and women were ashore. Don’t say “Littoral” to me-Say Blue Water Navy! Say what you want about it-at least kicking Libyan ass did not come with General Order #1 and port visits to fun Mediterranean ports were the order of the day. I’m in this video-I’m the
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A few years back, while writing about the Japan World Series, I posted about the “Curse of the Colonel”-the one Col Sanders put on the Hanshin Tigers. In 1985, the Tigers took the CL pennant and won the Japan Series. After they clinched the flag, a statue of Colonel Sanders
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I awoke in a somber mood this morning, slightly groggy, and not wanting to shed the blanket for the shower. The little voice inside me thought told it was time to get up. It also reminded me that today was the 52nd anniversary of my birth……… There once was a
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And before anyone goes off on an ” Obama is Carter” style rant- I will remind you that another new president was more than willing to offer up a carrier or two to the QDR……9-11 intervened and saved us then. What will save carrier aviation now? NAVY WILL OFFER UP
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That is so depressing about being a Korean star? Seoul – An actress in the popular Korean drama, Boys Over Flowers, was found dead last Saturday in an apparent suicide, fuelling talk that the serial is jinxed. Jang Ja Yeon, 26, played Sunny, one of a trio of mean girls
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Every once in a great while, the local fish wrapper here in Shopping Mall USA prints a nice story-about nice people. Today was one of those days. Follow me inside and read about Chooch, Great American………..
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From John Cole-who is, like me, a reformed conservative: I don’t get it. The Republicans and some in the media are calling this the Obama recession and the Obama bear market and the Obama economy, but this says it will be the longest recession on record. Yet Obama has only
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Jim Cramer is very worried about the impact of the tax changes to his bottom line: As someone who can expect a real shock when I get an Obama-shredded paycheck the moment his plus-$250,000 tax levy kicks in, I can’t be thrilled. Only the brain-dead like to take a pay
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