I got back to work on Friday-only to be greeted by a tornado ( No lie-had to get to the bottom of our building and wait there)……and the news that a co-worker on my floor had committed suicide. Leaving behind a wife and a several children. There is no clear
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At the state of American television news these days. In the movie Network-made in 1976-where Peter Finch plays a newsman who goes mad. In this fascinating vivisection of the American news media, British commentator Charlie Booker has it pretty much right, what was absurdly funny in the movie has now
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Its been quite a circuit-Charlotte, Pittsburgh, Denver, Tuscon and back to Shopping Mall. All in seven days. I like traveling though-and this week I enjoyed a lot of time alone after the first three days with my son. Did have that work thing in the way though-and now that I
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This statement on the budget by Secretary Gates. I’ve only had a chance to quickly peruse it-but I think he’s made some of the right calls on first glance. F-22 -How many yachts are enought Gordon? DDG-1000? Right call there. VH-71? Did it to itself. Missile defense? No comment for
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Greetings from Pittsburgh. My son had to work yesterday getting off at 6:30 am. He took some time to sleep and then we got together. Had dinner, went to the shopping mall, figured out how to artfully dance around the emotional landmines that are ever present in our conversations. He
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If I hear the phrase, “Think of the debt we are leaving our children” one more time-I’m going to go postal. I’ve got a secret to tell you-it won’t do the kids much good if Mom and Dad don’t have all the money they need to take care of them
Continue readingI don’t care about the children……..
If I hear the phrase, “Think of the debt we are leaving our children” one more time-I’m going to go postal. I’ve got a secret to tell you-it won’t do the kids much good if Mom and Dad don’t have all the money they need to take care of them
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Going to visit my son for a few days. posting will be light. So talk among yourselves about this tidbit from John Cole-which I happen to agree with: You know who probably deserves some scorn but isn’t receiving it? HGTV. How many episodes of House Hunters or Property Virgins or
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The word satire must be missing from the language of Tagalog. From Hemlock comes this story of a Hong Kong writer who decided to have some fun and make a point: It is clear that something is up as the two Filipino elves report for duty at Perpetual Opulence Mansions
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You stop fixating on MILF’s. Researchers in America examined photographs of actresses and pored over back issues of Playboy magazine to see whether there was a correlation between attraction and national prosperity. They found that women with mature facial features — smaller eyes, larger chins and stronger faces — were
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