Help! My blog has fallen and it can’t get up. More specifically my WYSIWYG visual editor went bye-bye in the WordPress 2.8 upgrade. Any thoughts on how to fix?
Continue readingSupply side economics explained……
My Canadian counterpart-as he so often does- has captured in a few sentences, why Dr. Laffer is wrong: California is precisely why I distrust supply-side economics so much. While tax cuts may increase revenue in the short term that revenue almost never matches increases in spending. As a matter of
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Busy night tonight with some correspondence that needed to be attended to. Could not put it off any longer. Also had to spend some time working on one of my on-line courses. I hate on-line courses. Give me a class room and a good looking teacher any day of the
Continue readingBooks and Stuff
It has taken me a while but I finally have plowed through my latest bit of books. I’ve also begun to attack two others. The S.O. dragged me to an estate sale after my sister left Saturday morning. She and her friend were moving on westward-as they move out on
Continue readingI needed a snack after watching this…….
And a beer!
Continue readingCan't say as I disagree
Lexington finds some really lazy Americans. School Students: American children have it easier than most other children in the world, including the supposedly lazy Europeans. They have one of the shortest school years anywhere, a mere 180 days compared with an average of 195 for OECD countries and more than
Continue readingCan’t say as I disagree
Lexington finds some really lazy Americans. School Students: American children have it easier than most other children in the world, including the supposedly lazy Europeans. They have one of the shortest school years anywhere, a mere 180 days compared with an average of 195 for OECD countries and more than
Continue readingWhat exactly were we supposed to do about it?
I must admit, that I had great hopes that the election in Iran was going to turn out quite differently. It would have been a great development had Ahamdinajad been sent packing-but it appears that is not to be. However regardless of who becomes Iran’s President-what are we to do
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This girl took a picture of herself every day for three years. Watch the video! Maybe its just me, but the face is rounding out at the end.
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Was going to post something of substance tonight. BUT…….. My sister showed up to visit. The Penguins just won the Stanley Cup. Time for heavy drinking. Pens 2 Red Wings 1. Is this a great country or what? P-I-T-T-S-B-U-R-G-H!
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