For you may surely get it. A few months ago, I wrote, ” I would no more go to a tea party than I would to an anti-war demonstration. I’ll fight stupidity through the ballot box, thank you very much. The teabaggers act like they are some holy crusade; however,
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Some things are more important than the birther movement.
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While Michelle Malkin was on TV yesterday, whining and moaning about who moved her cheese, she-and a lot of other Americans-missed the fact that Cory Aquino passed away this weekend. Not that Malkin would care-she scarcely pays attention to the details of her ancestry-instead behaving like the assimilated American bitch
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If you particpated as an aviator in Gulf War I, as I did-seeing this news brought a tear to my eye: The US military has found the remains of the last American still officially missing in action from the Gulf War. Capt Michael Scott Speicher, an F18 pilot, was shot
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Why do I have to hear the truth via an Australian ? A closely related rhetorical device — the idea that Americans or American values are “unique” — also deserves attention. For example, Emanuel describes individualism and equality of opportunity as “uniquely American.”1 Senator Max Baucus (D-MT), chairman of the
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Japan Airline’s last “Classic Jumbo Jet” took to the skies on July 30 on its final flight, ending an era of the Boeing 747 Classic type of aircraft in the company’s fleet. The 747-300, operated by a 3-man flight crew, will fly from Honolulu to Tokyo (Narita) and thereafter retire
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I had to drive to Montgomery today. 3 hours down and three hours back. Spent all of 2+45 in the city itself. Came back and went to sleep for a couple of hours. Now I’m awake and probably won’t be able to go to sleep at a normal hour. Today
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To understand a bad actor. Somehow, the words make much more sense now. And here I thought it was just the ramblings of an incoherent b*tch. Speaking of incoherency-take note of the long, painful slide Sarah Palin took to get there. She used to be able to put sentences
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This spring and summer the S.O. has taken to gardening in a big way. She has cultivated probably every available square inch of our small little yard for flower beds, hanging flowers, and she had me build her a planter to put next to the patio. I shudder-because the day
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Its been a busy week. I have been working against two deadlines-one at work and one for the course I am taking. Earned Value Metrics, ROI, ROS calculations, contract terminations. In other words, things that are total and complete bullshit. What I should have been studying- is a hands-on laboratory
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