A coworker and myself were down in the little cafeteria in our building, when we watched on the TV as this man verbally assaulted Arlen Specter: Watch CBS Videos Online Specter missed a great opportunity to make a point. And it probably points out why more Congressmen should
Continue readingWhy its good to see the USA as others see it……
Or as James Fallows-, or anyone else who has spent a good deal of time overseas may: Pretty soon I will lay off the "As a Rip van Winkle returnee to your country, what I notice is…." approach. But I have to say that it is striking to come back
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Back to the grindstone today-work on a Monday is……….work on a Monday. However, I was finally able to get my pictures downloaded after I had to reload the camera driver. First time I have ever had that happen to me. Somehow the driver became unrecognizable to Vista. So I had
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Drove through some torrential rains in Southern AL. Made the trip home longer than it should have been. AND……… I can’t find my digital camera cord to download my pix. Picture post to follow as I go out and look.
Continue readingThe Silly Season
Whenever I turn on the TV these days-especially if I am flipping through Fox News-here is what I see: What is it about August that brings out the silliness in people? Last year was the election-so there was sort of an excuse. Not sure what it is this year, but
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Got to Pensacola in 5 hours. Not a bad drive-but thank God for cruise control. And satellite radio. The S.O. is the happiest I have seen her in months. She is so excited to be reunited with one of her friends from the right side of the international dateline. A.C.
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Tomorrow, the S.O and I are leaving for an extended weekend in Pensacola, "The birthplace of Naval Aviation". A good friend of ours from Japan is moving there and we are going down to see them while they house hunt. AND, play golf at the NAS Pensacola Golf Course. 27 of
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Too bad I can’t watch it at work.
Continue readingBe careful what you wish for…….
For you may surely get it. A few months ago, I wrote, ” I would no more go to a tea party than I would to an anti-war demonstration. I’ll fight stupidity through the ballot box, thank you very much. The teabaggers act like they are some holy crusade; however,
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Some things are more important than the birther movement.
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