You kick the living stuffing out of LDP. You sweep in a new government in Japan. You have frizzy hair. And one of the first things you do after becoming Prime Minister of Japan, is to pay a call on the suckiest team in baseball? My hapless Pirates! All I
Continue readingI’m not so sure this is a good idea…..
You kick the living stuffing out of LDP. You sweep in a new government in Japan. You have frizzy hair. And one of the first things you do after becoming Prime Minister of Japan, is to pay a call on the suckiest team in baseball? My hapless Pirates! All I
Continue readingNote to self……
Don”t drink two beers after going out for a run and then coming in hot and sweaty to watch the Steelers. Otherwise you get really pissed off when they miss a field goal that cost them the game!
Continue readingYou got a have a ticket……
If you want to ride the ride. Slate magazine has a pretty good review of condom advertising. Phibian has a pretty good rundown on what happens if you fail to use one.
Continue readingOut tonight…..
And won’t feel like blogging when I get back. Because its Friday-which meant there was only one thing to think about walking out to the parking lot today: So think about this: And maybe spend some time with this: Yumi Sugimoto! And speaking of being attracted to Asia women-which
Continue readingAbout that missile decision……
I won’t have a lot to say-because I like getting paid. But suffice it to say I agree with the SECDEF: Anticipating that reaction, Gates said that "those who say we are scrapping missile defense in Europe are either misinformed or misrepresenting the reality of what we are doing. …
Continue readingAnother sad reminder.
That the days are slipping by all too quickly. So many bloggers disparage us baby boomers. I’m a baby boomer and damn proud of it. One reason was because of all the good music I got hear growing up. Which is why I was very sad to hear of the
Continue readingOh I miss it so……..
I used to love taking the train to Narita. I hated being tied to the bus schedule-although when I first met the S.O., I would stay at her apartment over in Chiba and then catch the bus the next day when I had to make a business trip. It only
Continue readingGame over
What me worry? No need to worry about the next election. John Cusak and Danny Glover have already solved that problem for us: Of course, in 1972 , the Late Great Planet Earth told us that the European Common Market was the next roman empire too-how’s that
Continue readingHoly cow! -Bush was right!
About douche tea baggers: Commenting on an upcoming book my Canadian counterpart comes up with a gold nugget. Much of the professionally stupid Republican blogosphere is going absolutely insane over the following excerpt from the Latimer book. Bush was preparing to give a speech to the annual meeting of
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