At work, whenever I can get away with it-I change the channel on the flat screen TV's they have in the passageways. It has become someting of a sacred duty. There is one in the hall by the elevator that somehow always is on Fox News when I come in
Continue readingBaseball Thread
It's October and I just watched the Yankees lose! That's a cause for celebration in and of itself. Now its time to grab some beer and sit down and watch the home of real baseball, the National League, slug it out. Part of me wants the Dogers to win because
Continue readingThe last great President…..
Was George H.W. Bush. Find out why, here. For the record, I'm OK with him calling out Olbermann. Because he is right, both sides have lost any sense of perspective. And while I enjoyed watching Bush Senior's son get beat up by him, it still does not constitute any sembalance
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Had to drive to Birmingham today. Nice drive but the weather was cold. Back now-was going to post but started watching the ALCS after the Virgina Tech game. Extra innings now. Oh yes. F*ck the f*cking Yankees! Got to get back to the TV. Bottom of the tenth. UPDATE! Yankees
Continue readingThe Burgh………..
You are from Pittsburgh if you get all the references in this You Tube. ( Yinz should watch it all……). I know where Zelinople is! This has a lot of true facts about my home town. The Sunday after the wedding, I took Harumi down to see the center
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Rep. Buyer is a Citadel Graduate by the way.
Continue readingHappy Birthday Navy!
Fly Navy! The best always have!
Continue readingTaking stock….
Of a not so normal weekend. Now lest anyone think that I am going soft in my old age-I still remain down on the institution of marriage as a whole. I think it is a useless institution that were it not for no better way to raise children, would have
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My daughter made a very beautiful bride. Her new husband is a fine man, and I think they will do well together. And for a room full of emotional land mines ,as existed at the reception yesterday-my daughter navigated it all with the skill of a diplomat at a Middle East
Continue readingDon't tell this to Lex's fans……..
The irony and the truth of this statement is just lost on them: IMHO, it is this sharply divisive party politicking, this need to adhere to party lines at all times and regardless of common sense or even common courtesy that makes US politics a laughing stock in the
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