Brittany Murphy died a couple of days ago. Only 32-its so very sad. What I did not know, was that she made a movie with a famous Japanese actor. A long time back, I did a post about Toshiyuki Nishida, the Japanese actor who played in the Tsuri-baka Nisshi movies.
Continue readingAbout that Festivus thing……
Old H-2 guy suggested that I need to celebrate Festivus tomorrow. But that leads to a question. Isn’t by definition, blogging a celebration of Festivus every time you blog? After all, blogging is nothing-if not a thorough airing of the grievances.
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To the Christmas Quiz: 1. The Nutcracker Suite 2. Little Drummer Boy 3. Deck the Halls 4. Silent Night 5. Noel (No L) 6. All I Want For Christmas Is My 2 Front Teeth 7. It Came Upon A Midnight Clear 8. Joy To The World 9. 12 Days of
Continue readingOne other point……
For the record-there are only two recognized holidays in December: Hannukah and Christmas. So saying “Merry Christmas” is not only proper, its THE RIGHT THING TO DO. Take your kwanzaa and stick it where the ……. I don’t understand why, when most African Americans are also Christian, Kwanza is even
Continue readingI was just kidding….
When I said, while making dinner, “try an onside kick!” Never thinking they would actually do it-with a two point lead. Steelers won that game by one RCH-nothing more. I was climbing the walls during the last minute-trying to cook and scream at the TV at the same time………… Amazing.
Continue readingMoratorium
Its the 20th of December and 5 days before Christmas. I am declaring a moratorium on any talk of politics till after Christmas. This coming week is for buying presents, thinking about my life, wondering about fun things, and getting ready for the holiday. ( As well as driving 500
Continue readingNever believe the lie that they are submissive….
Here’s video proof to the contrary……. Follow the link to the comments. Pretty amazing if you ask me-brave talk is easy……….
Continue readingTrivia question
The S.O. and I went to see the living Christmas Tree last night at Shopping Mall’s oldest church (founded in 1809 although they moved to a new church in 1963). A co worker who sings in the choir gave us tickets. We went last year and both of us really
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Which means it is time for a long overdue blog round-up. Got back and back to work here today. A quick trip-and it was cold and miserable at my destination. Plus US Airways decided to jerk me around yet again. An explanation is in order. When I arrived on Monday
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Here is a primer on the “dog whistle” listeners. You too can learn to speak teabag in a just a few lessons!
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