The worst part of being in a non eastern time zone is you have to remember the ball drops earlier. So I almost did not get the Champagne open before it happened. Whew! We went to see Up in the Air tonight. Great movie. Review to follow. Sayonara 2009:
Continue readingHappy New Year.
I did a couple of interesting things today. 1) I sat down and wrote out a detailed “mission statement” for the upcoming year. Its the same mission I had last year-get my ass back to Asia. The difference is this year, I am doing it come hell or high water-job
Continue readingBall Walking…….
A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, I had a squadron mate who was fond of pursuing the time honored Naval Aviation tradition of “ball walking”. These instances usually occurred after consumption of more than a couple of tasty adult beverages-and were intended to be a guaranteed ice
Continue readingHow to get through the year……
Or at least how to get through cruise…….. Courtesy of the World Famous Hack Eagles. (Anybody notice that over on the working man’s coast-you don’t see no stinking videos?).
Continue readingThe time for recollection
It is that time of year again, where folks take a look back at the year that was and a look forward to the year that is yet to come. It is a time for making lists, taking stock, making predictions that almost certainly will not be proven true. This
Continue reading600 Miles……
Is what it takes when you have to go around the mountains instead of over them. Will resume regular posting again tomorrow. I’m beat!
Continue readingOnly in the Tea Bag Universe…..
Does this even remotely make sense-especially in a world of 10% unemployment: The end-all-regulation, my-health-insurance-company-is-just-fine-thanks crowd in the Tea Party movement have found an unlikely target for their next national effort: Corporate America. The Tea Party Patriots group is planning a “National Day of Strike” for Jan. 20, one year
Continue readingTime to play with my toys…..
Putting myself in the right frame of mind to read my Christmas present: Unlike my sister, the S.O. got me something useful.
Continue readingSome of you are sure to appreciate the irony of this…
My sister gave me a copy of Sarah Palin’s book. For Christmas. Pix to follow.
Continue readingChristmas Eve….
Greetings from North Carolina. The drive was as long and difficult as I thought it would be. Having the roads blocked by two different landslides at two different places-did not help one bit. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
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