Of Japan Airlines………..
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Back in Dullsville. Flew out first thing this morning after doing some recreational exploring last night. Learned I can’t hang like I used to-and needed a nap when I got home here. It would also appear that all of my bills picked this week to come in the mail, so
Continue readingTell me again there is no double standard….
UPDATE!!!: A pretty interesting comment thread on this incident can be found here. Its 100+ comments! Worth the time to read. I stand by my assessment and the one that was found in the comments here “a predetermined female success story”. Navy: Cruiser CO relieved for ‘cruelty’ By Philip Ewing
Continue readingBlazing Saddles….
Harry Reid edition: I just couldn’t resist……… Besides-Blazing Saddle’s never gets old. Although, I wonder, could you make a funny movie like that today?
Continue readingOn the road again……..
Let’s just say that I have a number in mind and I haven’t hit it yet.
Continue readingSpeaking of inconvienient truths…
Andrew Bacevich has a great habit of pointing them out: What are we to make of this record? For Krauthammer, Boot, and Barnes, the lessons are clear: dial up the rhetoric, increase military spending, send in more troops, and give the generals a free hand. The important thing, writes William
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Spend enough time in the Navy and you will hear the phrase “Semper Gumby” at some point in time. ( Always Flexible). The joke is based on the creation of Art Clokey: Jan 9, 6:17 PM (ET) LOS OSOS, Calif. (AP) – Animator Art Clokey, whose bendable creation Gumby became
Continue readingMAC vs PC
This is just awesome-even if the little girl does use the F bomb at the end: Little asian PC girl vs. MAC parody – watch more funny videos Update: This thing works on a couple of levels. You have a Chinese girl, looking down on a Filipina girl. Kind of
Continue readingTrue to her principles……
Sarah Palin and where she chooses to speak. The principle being: “If you want her to perform-you have to pay her.” Not unlike this place: Birds of a feather and all that. “Madame, we’ve already established what you are-now we are just haggling over the price!”
Continue readingSomething warm!
It snowed here today. Which is why I need this:
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