And most of you teabaggers aren’t going to like how it ends.
Continue readingThis is for Foggy…..
Sorry-its the ultimate insider joke.
Continue readingThe movement explained….
This post deserves re-posting. My Canadian counterpart has accurately nailed why the tea bagger movement bears a better resemblance to French Revolution than to the American one. Reprinted in its entirety because its worth reading: The Tea Party movement considers itself the spiritual heir of the Boston Tea Party that
Continue readingSpeaking of dead dreams…..
Another great deal goes down the drain: Japan Airlines Corp. filed for bankruptcy Tuesday under the Corporate Rehabilitation Law in the biggest nonfinancial corporate failure in the postwar period. The country’s flagship carrier is expected to continue flying and honor tickets with government assurances for lifeline funds, while undergoing a
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Is Ezra Klein: This seems like fairly decisive evidence that the dream can, in fact, die. I’ve known that ever since I left Japan. 🙁
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Having this as their platform to run on: Firing up voters on the eve of the special election to fill the late Edward M. Kennedy’s Senate seat, Republican candidate Scott Brown spoke at a campaign rally today, proclaiming, “With your help, our dream of depriving millions of health care is
Continue readingMission Accomplished?
Japan is ending its refueling mission in the Indian Ocean: The Maritime Self-Defense Force’s refueling mission in the Indian Ocean ended Friday, upon the expiration of the relevant law. The mission was in support of U.S.-led antiterrorism operations in and around Afghanistan that began in the wake of the Sept.
Continue readingThe BS flag….
Needs to be raised on this: SurFor chief: Manning needs mean new duties By Philip Ewing – Staff writer Posted : Monday Jan 18, 2010 8:01:05 EST The Navy’s top surface leader said sailors can expect to see changes in which paygrades do certain jobs on ship as the
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And a sentiment with which I can agree to-from John Cole: I’ve been watching Bush the past two days working with Clinton on the Haiti disaster, and I think that even though his administration was such a disaster it made me switch parties, his conduct since he left office has
Continue readingComparison Shopping….
Using the auto complete function in Google-Searches are compared between Japan, China, and the USA. Guess who comes out looking the worst? Here are the top auto completes for the phrase “Why is _________ so……” Japan: Not too bad. Now try China: Now compare that to the results for the
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