There is probably no better time than the State of the Union to render forth my verdict on the first year of the Obama administration. Unlike what the folks in teabagger land think-it has not been the complete disaster they portray it to be-nor has it been as good as
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Finally, someone says what I have been thinking ever since I read the news: Am I the only one who would suggest that maybe David Duchovny and Tiger Woods aren’t the ones with a problem, and perhaps their respective wives are? Could it be that I’m the only person who
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To bash some really stupid liberal ideas. I am often accused of “going to the dark side”-and endorsing the whole Democratic agenda. Truth is-I have not. It is posts like this one, from Balloon Juice ( a blog I generally like) that keep me from going whole hog into the
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New Orleans vs Indianapolis. And the Steelers will be drinking beer and watching the Super Bowl on TV. AS Frank DeFord would point out-socialism appears to have worked. But don’t ask a Jets fan that: I almost don’t have the heart to write this, but I can’t help noticing a
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I have been following with interest the flurry of activity-both for and against-the supposed “defection” of Charles Johnson from the ranks of the really all American true blue red blooded patriots, wise thinkers, and only knowledgable personages in the blogosphere. Two articles have tried to capture the debate here and
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The other shoe drops: As the Navy’s unprecedented response to Haiti’s post-earthquake humanitarian crisis entered its third week, the sudden spike in operational tempo showed no sign of slowing. More warships, Military Sealift Command and Maritime Administration vessels were on station or en route to help answer a desperate call
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But it seems to have become reality. Except its in Japan, not JFK and the leading protaganist is Chinese not from a former Soviet Republic: Japan Probe explains: It has now been about 80 days since a Chinese human rights activist has started living inside Narita Airport- stuck because his
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And that’s what we need right now:
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Its been an interesting week-albeit a disappointing one in many ways. Some short notes on the week that American political see saw began its ride back down. Issue #1: I have read in three different forums now-disgruntled tea party fans who are quite upset at being called the term “tea
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Be who you are and say how you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
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