From Galrahn: The third biggest issue is the apparent ass kicking someone in NAVAIR needs for completely forgetting to include Rotary Wing aircraft in the Navy’s 30 year aviation plan. On one hand we have the QDR stressing the importance of Rotary Wing, and on the other hand we have
Continue readingBlogging birthday….
Yesterday, my little blog was five years old. As is typical for me lately, I’m a day late and more than a few dollars short writing about it. The five years have been interesting and I’ve learned a lot, both good and bad, about writing and people. I began this
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I am surprised to see how little play, the election of Susumu Inamine has gotten here in the United States. I realize that the election of Scott Brown is the greatest event short of the second coming-but folks ought to maybe pay some attention. Because the whole apple-cart of the
Continue readingAnother Saturday night….
And I’m not out drinking with the babes. However I am told that if I were out drinking with the babes-I could watch Sarah Palin giving a speech to the retarded Tea Bagger faithful. Certainly have better things to do than that! However if I were watching-I could play this
Continue readingSome observations and a sea story…..
Warning notice! This is a Navy focused post. An event this week has me waxing nostalgic that I was lucky enough to have served during the supposedly barbaric era of the 70’s and 80’s when the Navy was predominately male, a lot of fun to serve in, and focused on
Continue readingIt’s groundhog day!
Which basically-with the exception of 10 glorious days spent last year overseas-can describe my existence since returning to Shopping Mall USA. You want a prediction about the weather-and the state of my existence? Bill Murray has one for you: And that is putting it mildly. This has to be my
Continue readingNo mosquito bites……
At least if you live in Australia. Talk about intrusive government-the Australian government is now dictating the boob size of the porn stars you watch. Or as FG put it, “No Japanese Titties please, we’re Australian!”. Clearly these guys don’t understand the “total package theory”. Can’t they just use the
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You know its pretty grim when even these types of companions start talking back: According to Fucked Gaijin-this was ranked the worst Japanese movie of 2009.
Continue readingBuilding a better Bento Box….
Check out Millie’s new blog!
Continue readingHeading out.
For the weekend. Posting may be non-existent.
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