Another thing I probably should not try to buy on E-bay!
Continue readingSo much for my opinion of myself….
At least I still respect myself in the morning………. I took me another one of those quizzes. I’m not sure how this result came up: Take the quiz yourself!
Continue readingBecause it’s my birthday!
And this is the present I really, really, want:
Continue readingAs if this is really news……….
This should come as a shock to most men. (NOT!)
Continue readingHave a little faith…..
Stephen Walt explores how low the Cheney’s and those who support them have gone: When I got out of the shower this morning, my wife was waking up to NPR. Her first comment to me was this: “I never thought I would hear an NPR reporter say those words.” What
Continue readingAsking the wrong question…..
Lex and others have taken a great deal of pride in flashing this picture around-and then with a certain amount of snarkiness proclaiming how great it was under George W. Bush. Sad to see how short peoples memories really are: Let’s just say for argument’s sake-Barak Obama is really the
Continue readingBlog Upgrade
This blog is now I-phone friendly. (Should work on an Android too).
Continue readingA couple of points about the Academy Awards.
1) The show is too long-especially since the S.O. has to watch the “runway stuff”. 2) Speaking of the runway-no one ever obsesses over the tuxes the guys wear. Reason 456 why it’s great to be a guy. Then again-most actors at the awards don’t have a great rack to
Continue readingBack Home….
After a busy-but definitely interesting week! Cleaning up the post-ex things now. Travel vouchers, reports, and otherwised justifying the expense of your tax dollars. Thanks to the American taxpayer for feeding my travel bug-I’ll be requesting another installment next week-thank you very much. In the mean time-I think its important
Continue readingReruns II
This week has been busy-as mentioned before. When I get back to the room-not quite in the mood for anything but laying on the bed channel surfing. So I’m taking the easy way out and reposting a post I liked-especially in light of the recent budget annoucement. The President is
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