This should come as a shock to most men. (NOT!)
Continue readingHave a little faith…..
Stephen Walt explores how low the Cheney’s and those who support them have gone: When I got out of the shower this morning, my wife was waking up to NPR. Her first comment to me was this: “I never thought I would hear an NPR reporter say those words.” What
Continue readingAsking the wrong question…..
Lex and others have taken a great deal of pride in flashing this picture around-and then with a certain amount of snarkiness proclaiming how great it was under George W. Bush. Sad to see how short peoples memories really are: Let’s just say for argument’s sake-Barak Obama is really the
Continue readingBlog Upgrade
This blog is now I-phone friendly. (Should work on an Android too).
Continue readingA couple of points about the Academy Awards.
1) The show is too long-especially since the S.O. has to watch the “runway stuff”. 2) Speaking of the runway-no one ever obsesses over the tuxes the guys wear. Reason 456 why it’s great to be a guy. Then again-most actors at the awards don’t have a great rack to
Continue readingBack Home….
After a busy-but definitely interesting week! Cleaning up the post-ex things now. Travel vouchers, reports, and otherwised justifying the expense of your tax dollars. Thanks to the American taxpayer for feeding my travel bug-I’ll be requesting another installment next week-thank you very much. In the mean time-I think its important
Continue readingReruns II
This week has been busy-as mentioned before. When I get back to the room-not quite in the mood for anything but laying on the bed channel surfing. So I’m taking the easy way out and reposting a post I liked-especially in light of the recent budget annoucement. The President is
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My work here in Virginia has been very busy. Up at six-not back to the room till after dark. Dinner, phone calls and a combat nap-and the time just whisks by…………. So today-because it was so depressing, in the realization that for most people here, this is the only existence
Continue readingSo how was your week……..
Dilbert kind of sums up mine……… And now, its off to catch a plane! I have the kind of month I like for this next month anyway-week gone, one week home, one week gone, repeat for two more cycles. Too bad its all domestic travel however. Later, let me tell
Continue readingI don’t make this stuff up……
Ole Miss says the force is with them: Ole Miss is in the middle of a movement to replace their old mascot — Colonel Reb — after the school decided they wanted to update their image. Tuesday, the students voted in favor of crowning a new mascot to represent Rebel
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