And here I thought that was only the province of SWO’s (Surface Warfare Officers)…….. Not so, evidently. In the brave new world of the Republican party, if you criticize anything about them-even when you are right-you get fired: David Frum, who wrote a widely-circulated blog post Sunday suggesting passage of
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Penny wise-pound foolish when it comes to travel dollars: With a few simple words — “I would have to object” — Republican U.S. Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina derailed a Senate Armed Services hearing today in which generals had traveled from Korea and Hawaii to testify about the Pentagon’s
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It would appear the concept is lost on the founder of the Tea Party movement as well. I am so very not suprised. “The small-government conservative movement, which includes people who call themselves the tea party patriots and so forth, is about the principles of liberty as embodied in the
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Time to have some fun. Something to laugh about-I watched this video on You Tube tonight.
Continue readingDefinitely worth repeating…..
The first and last word on the health care debate……..I admit it might be a little melodramatic-but is anything the tea bag nation says about us supporters any less caustic? Nope, nada, zilch. This is what their overheated, and incredibly hysterical rhetoric drives otherwise reasonable people to. There is nothing
Continue readingThe spiral……..
And its not going in the direction that it should. I’m tired. Tired of being angry. Really tired at being angry at people who ought to know better-but won’t bother. Tired of hearing their anger. Tired of being called a socialist or a communist. Tired of being called worse names
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Listen to Mark Steyn. Because, as usual-he has it all wrong. America will did not start to decline because of the health care vote tonight-it allowed that process to start ten years ago-or perhaps longer-when it failed to recognize the multi-polar world it had stepped into. The pace of that
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Wonder how the Town Hall Harlot will spin this? I’m sure the word “astro-turfing” will appear somewhere. On the plus side, my Canadian Counterpart has noticed that there is some hot tuna involved in this effort.
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I have little patience these days for the rantings of so-called “Constitutionalists”-those folks who insist that every thing the government does these days is somehow in violation of the Constitution or “contrary to the intentions of the founding fathers”. For the most part they are wrong-and where they may actually
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Without a guide-book. Know your cougars!
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