Greetings from Bella Napoli. Herbal wins the prize for correct guess. Rode the bus to near Bagnoli last night, but never came close to the location of its most infamous former denizen. The remarkable thing about Naples is how little it really changes-even while it changes. The trams no long
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Long day of travel, yesterday and today. Spent most of the afternoon sleeping. Guess where? This city the world’s 91st richest city by purchasing power, with a GDP of $43 billion. The city is an important port, one of the most important in Europe. Even though the city has had a
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I’m ready to go. So kiss me and smile for me, Tell me that you’ll wait for me, Hold me like you’ll never let me go. ‘Cause I’m leaving on a jet plane Don’t know when I’ll be back again – Oh Babe, I hate to go. Ok-the last statement
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Glenn Beck-explained: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
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Or blog. I’m tired tonight. Plus, I’m getting ready to go on a trip so it will soon be time for another round of “Where’s Waldo?” So watch a Citadel Grad made good, lead the Blue Angels over a familiar place:
Continue readingWell, so much for that……
Well-that sucks. Now we are just stuck with the Buccos to root for all summer.
Continue readingAn anniversary of sorts.
31 years ago today-on a bright sunny morning after which I had not had much sleep- I walked across the parade ground for the purpose of being commissioned an officer in the Navy of the United States of America. The evening before had been quite interesting as we had held
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So what’s a good software program to make music videos with? And before you ask-I’m a PC user.
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So I watched Gordon Brown throw in the towel on TV today. And then, later on, I had a chance to read a multitude of flawed commentary on the election by US observers who should know better-but don’t-draw conclusions based on the paradigm of US experience. Britain’s election was about Britain-and
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Cut the number of flag officers down to size. ABILENE, Kan. (AP) — Warring against waste, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Saturday he is ordering a top-to-bottom paring of the military bureaucracy in search of at least $10 billion in annual savings needed to prevent an erosion of U.S. combat
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