Keeping the chain moving from Savannah: “the latest meme in blogville. the twist is that after i answer her [very good] questions, i get to ask 10 NEW questions and tag another set of bloggers!” 1. How many countries have you traveled to? ( Travel to means at least an
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New albumns posted this morning-a couple more to follow. For now you can visit Ameyoko, which is a neighborhood near Ueno Station. A great place to people watch and buy things for less money. Tsukiji Fish Market.
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Have not even been back 24 hours yet. Catching up on sleep, work , bills. Something has to give and it would appear to be blogging. However……… Expat at Large has tagged me with a meme. Not sure of its coherence or theme per se-but a challenge is a challenge
Continue readingIt is still not Sayonara……
But again it is Ja matte ne. This has been a great week-so great. Saturday we went to Oedo Onsen and had dinner and a soak. Its kind of a neat thing. You go and pay your fee, change into a Yukata, then you walk around a center place with
Continue readingThe answer is…..
The picture in the previous post is the “Zero Milestone” which is located at Nihon Bashi. All road distances were supposed to be measured in Japan from this point-and it was the place that the Shogun ordered 5 roads built from the old capital of Edo. ( Now Tokyo). The
Continue readingQuiz night.
Here is a trivia quiz question. Do you know what this is? Answer tomorrow. Consider this an open post-I’ll let Curtis pick the topic.
Continue readingWinding up
Sadly, its the end of the week and this great little adventure is going to have to come to an end. Returning to Hicksville and the job nuttiness soon enough. I still get two more evenings here in paradise though. I intend to savor them. This has been the best
Continue readingThis is why I support net neutrality…
Because companies should not tell you how much data you can use. I consider myself virtually addicted to my iPhone. I obsessively check my e-mail on it (4 accounts!); I listen to streaming music as I type on my computer at work; I surf the Internet fairly often; and I’ve got dozens
Continue readingA good hand poorly played…..
By Yukio Hatoyama who resigned yesterday-one year after winning election by a huge electoral majority. The S.O. has been grabbing every chance to watch the news coverage. It is kind of nice to see it in the original so to speak-not so filtered by American perceptions and biases. However in the
Continue readingThe most important room in the house
Ah, this is the life. Jack Daniels in the glass, and hot water shootin’ up your ass! –from the beginning of the movie, Middle Age Crazy. While I am not normally in the habit of carrying a drink into the restroom-the S.O. and I did have a chance to experience the
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