Especially when you are incapable of telling the truth. The details of Sarah Palin’s contract were ordered released by a California judge who pointed out that University of California officials had violated state public records laws in agreeing with Palin to keep the contract secret. On top of a $75,000
Continue readingAnother priceless moment.
Some times a photo says it all: Make-up and Hair style…………..$1,500.00 New Dress for the show…………$2,700.00 Giant Stuffed Bear………………….$300.00 Not knowing how to hold the bear with a microphone in your hand…………Priceless!
Continue readingReal conservative thinking…
And acknowledging an inconsistency the Tea Party needs to get its arms around. Take it away Ron Paul: As many frustrated Americans who have joined the Tea Party realize, we cannot stand against big government at home while supporting it abroad. We cannot talk about fiscal responsibility while spending trillions
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Col Sellin is not going quietly into that great good night-as he returns to Finland and his job with an IT company ( where he was before he got ordered up to active duty). This post is right on the mark-as was his other one about the atrophy of our
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Good news for guys like me. But a new paper in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research suggests that — for reasons that aren’t entirely clear — abstaining from alcohol does actually tend to increase one’s risk of dying even when you exclude former drinkers. The most shocking part?
Continue readingThe end of Second Fleet?
Could be. More strangely, the lobbyist and his boss both declined to comment on the supposition just days after being widely quoted on the topic. The Navy said, essentially, “No comment.” But naval analysts and a retired admiral who commanded Atlantic Fleet surface forces say they’re hearing exactly what the
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While commenting over at Phib’s place-out of genuine concern for a blogger I really like and read regularly-I put myself at odds with many members of the herd over there. My mistake-asking Phib what he was doing writing for a sleazebag like Breitbart. The thing is, as I started researching
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Well sort of. The Romanian revolution actually started in Timiosara-but soon spread to the Capitol. Revolutionary square to be exact: Or as it is known to locals-the “olive on the stick.” The big building on the left is where Ceaucescu was giving a speech when the crowd went nuts. On
Continue readingThe people in the crowd say it all………
At Beckapoolaza. Just cause I like to beat this particular horse ( and I have never known anyone else who deserves a beating more than Beck does. And before you start Curtis it is not wrong to hate him.) I thought I would post a few pics from “real Ameruuuika”: There it
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That I am glad I am not back in the states. (But it looks like I will be soon….. 🙁 ). Glenn Beck marching on the Mall to take back honor? Boy, that’s rich. Glenn Beck has no honor-save for his own pocket book. That is all he cares about.
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