Sharon Angle gets a ticket to Not Pass Go.Not Collect $200.
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Yesterday, I pointed out how much I miss hearing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” at the 7th inning stretch. SJS pointed out that there is another tradition that needs to come back-the pitcher needs to bat. And then today, I thought about it-the idea of playing game five
Continue readingFor what its worth………
I miss hearing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” at the 7th inning stretch. Since this year is all about taking America back-can we take America back to the way baseball was supposed to be? Go Giants!
Continue readingAnd what will we have to show for it?
4 Billion Dollars. That’s the amount of money spent on the midterm elections this year. Its a staggering sum-especially when you consider that the supposed central theme of this election year is anger about money being wasted. 4 billion dollars. Thing what that money could have done put to a
Continue readingBut are they anatomically correct?
Cause if they are-I might have to buy one. “By your command“. AIST’s HRP-4C Cybernetic Human took the stage for “Dance Robot LIVE!” — a song-and-dance routine choreographed by Sam of the J-pop group TRF. Caprica may be closer to reality than we care to admit.
Continue readingA refreshing sight
A rally where people can speak with out frothing at the mouth. Where irony is appreciated-not railed upon. Where the signs are spelled correctly And a large group of people, through satire, tell Saint Sarah and her fans to STFU. What more can you ask for? More interesting signs here-“The
Continue readingHappy Halloween!
This pretty well sums it up-and reminds me why, after I vote on Tuesday-I’m going to get really hammered: The only question is how-Tequila or Scotch?
Continue readingCoolest campaign ads…..
Joe Manchin may be running away from the President like a screaming banshee-but he’s made some cool ads outlining the bleak future that awaits us. What is it with freaking laser beams and WV anway?
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Anyone who has read a lot at this blog knows that I have been fairly consistent in my opposition to the Iraq War. I was opposed to it from the run up to it in 2002-and I remain of the opinion that the war was a huge mistake. A human,
Continue readingGood luck at the rally.
I’m not a rally kind of person-I don’t think they accomplish much save for a chance to get out and meet people. I especially am not a fan of rallies where people dress up in stupid tri-corner hats and tell each other lies about American history and government. But if
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