Note to self. When your sister says, ” Hey, running a 5k on Thanksgiving Morning would be a great way to start the day.” -SAY NO! As it turned out it was an 8K -the final part of the Tour de Carrboro. And my legs felt it all the way
Continue readingAs if I need another reason…..
To utterly despise the Tea Party. Reason number 345 why this so called “movement” is dangerous-and needs to be opposed: In an exclusive review for Whispers of their plan, FreedomWorks president Matt Kibbe says: “Tea Party activists are willing to tackle progressive CEOs just as they tackled progressive politicians. Judging
Continue readingOver the river and through the woods……….
Fighting traffic all the way. Talk to you later when we get where we are going!
Continue readingThe irony of it is lost on them.
My Canadian counterpart explains why the current TSA kerfluffle is nothing but rank hypocrisy on the part of the GOP. Of course, with everyone flipping the fuck out, it tends to be forgotten that half of America is being more than a little hypocritical. It wasn’t too long ago, after
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The hated Raiders are on the schedule this week. What is your favorite pro team? College team?
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I have finally gotten off my dead ass and updated the Pix page. All my Bucharest pictures are now up there.
Continue readingGuess it has to be that time of year again….
Another year spent in Shopping Mall.-Still, one has to count his blessings, at least I have a job ( for now-next year, who knows?). And the arrival of that time of year means that at the Shopping Mall Botanical gardens-they have the Festival of Lights. The S.O. suggested we walk
Continue readingMy solution to the TSA issue.
I ought to leave the topic alone, but….. It seems to me, the easiest way around this whole mess is to hire a lot more Hooters girls to do “pat downs” for male travelers. Something tells me the whining would drop in a New York minute. But what about the
Continue readingExhibit A…
As to why we live in a world where Sarah Palin is viewed as anything but useless: This is from a Pew Center poll that shows again-what I have been saying for months. 50% of the electorate can’t be bothered to vote and of the remaining 50% only about 20%
Continue readingSpeaking of cavity searches…….
Unable to post yesterday or today. Because: Time and the Roto-rooter man wait for no one. Usual posting will resume tomorrow.
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