What they really want……
When they lobby for stupid tax cuts: If you ever want to know that our tri-corner hat wearing friends are not serious about reducing the deficit-it is when they support these bozo’s. By the way-you now much extra cash I get from the Bush tax cuts? Only around 800 dollars.
Continue readingMiracle on 34th Street….
And no, that is not the story of my sex life. I love the Christmas season. One of the things I love about it is the opportunity to see the traditional “Christmas movies”. Miracle on 34th Street ranks up among them. There have been four versions of this movie produced
Continue readingGoing in to see the old man…….
When its time for the FITREP debrief. If any of you have spent time, in or around the Air Force, this little video is going to ring very, very, true. Especially the discussion of Squadron Officers School-my roomate from college, who went in the Air Force used almost those very
Continue readingI’m buying some binoculars.
And staying in the hotel across from hers. Natalie Tran can have my baby!
Continue readingPhib’s not going to like this……
My Canadian counterpart has done a first rate bit of fisking of Andrew Breitbart’s despicable foreign policy web site, Big Peace. (Sorry-no link. I won’t link to that erstwhile perpetrator of human stupidity.). He’s made the same point I tried to tell the Phibian way back when: Andrew Breitbart is
Continue readingThe Yancey House
While I was at my father’s place-we took the last night we would all be together, and decided to head on up to a place my Dad had heard about. It is just south of the Virginia border near Yanceyville NC. Dad had heard the owner on the radio, a
Continue readingReturn trip
I think I would prefer a package check from the TSA to the 10 hours of driving I have to do tomorrow. See you on the other side! Went to a pretty neat place for dinner tonight with my father though. If you live in the Virginia-Northern North Carolina area-it
Continue readingI’d like her to stay in Alaska too, however………
Whoo! Hoo! I don’t have to work today!
For those of you who do have to work today-especially for anyone works at a shopping mall, the Red Army Choir has a message for you: That Russian accent adds just the right amount of dreariness to the tune, don’t you think?
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