Because sometimes when I do click the link-I feel like this:
Continue readingCreating a monster.
I have been conducting FACEBOOK repair on the S.O’s I- phone tonight. Have also had to hold remedial I tunes training. This has killed my carefully prepared posting. This is going to keep her at the computer and me away from it…………… Thank God for the I-pad.
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This is a bit of FACEBOOK snark that means ” Too long did not read” It is meant to show disdain for an opposing point of view. In reality it translates into -” I’m too lazy to read the entirety of what you said, but I still want to say
Continue readingQuote of the day.
From the comment stream over at Balloon-Juice. Sad , but a very correct characterization of the disaster that would be Saint Sarah as President: If you thought Nixon’s enemies list was impressive, wait till Palin is President. It’ll be a whole stimulus program in itself – database administrators, programmers, advanced
Continue readingHeading home……
And the weather is bearing down on the probable place my plane is coming from. This ought to be interesting. Time for a beer! Here is a trivia question for you though : Why do pigs have more fun during sex than humans? Place your answer in the comments.
Continue readingTotally underwhelming
My “porn star” moment with the TSA this morning. I went throughout the scanner -to tell you the truth I just don’t get what the big deal is. The most depressing thing was that the girl behind the screen did not seem overly impressed with my manhood. Maybe next time
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Of blogging from an I-Pad, an early Christmas present from the S.O. and myself to myself. Had this been an actual rant it would have been longer-and more accurate, because believe me-there is plenty to rant about this week. More to follow at weeks end about the tax “deal”. Also
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Heading back where it is really cold for a few days for work. I am expecting some long days at least at the start of the week. Driving to the hotel I was listening to an NPR show with Grover Norquist. He is the worthless bastard who came up with
Continue readingWhere in the world?
Is Julian Assange. And other tidbits from Obama’s Facebook page.
Continue readingLets make a deal, Army style……
Still more than a few folks steamed about having their headgear stolen, I presume:
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