My cell phone was stolen tonight-out of a locked locker at the gym. I know because I have torn the house apart and retraced my steps and I know I locked all my stuff away and was careful to make sure the lock was locked and spun. So now I
Continue readingThe King’s Speech
The S.O. and I went to see this movie this past weekend. Believe it or not we had a hard time getting two seats together-so crowded was the theater. We both loved the movie-even if it did take more than a couple of liberties with history. Me, because I like
Continue readingWar movies……from the other side.
In Japan lately there have been a lot of commercials for this movie: The movie’s title is : Taiheiyo no kiseki –fokksu to yobareta otoko ( or, Miracle of the Pacific: The Man Called Fox). Story highlight here: On 7 July, Captain Oba and his men participated in the largest
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Steelers -Packers. With all due respect to the Cheese heads, the packers are going down. Which is kind of fitting-since this very well may be the last football game played in 2011. Players and owners are clashing over a new labor agreement that could result in a lockout for the
Continue readingToo good not to repeat.
Stumbled on this over at John Cole’s place. It’s from a comment thread from a post about the latest bat shit crazy idea proposal from our Galtian Overlords. I thought it was so clever, I had to post it here. More truth than you realize-especially if you spend a weekend
Continue readingI’ve been remiss……
In putting up a link to this new blog. Spike-who lives where I wish I could live, is a fine photographer among his many talents. And he now has a nice collection of those over at his new photo blog-Spike’s Photos. Go on over and check them out!
Continue readingTGIF!
Which is good, because I need a break of sorts. Although-since I was on a trip last week, I’ve really not so much to complain about. But it means its time for these: And would that there were some of these!
Continue readingYes, it’s true.
I have a weakness for Krystals. Which is why I love these commercials. This could easily be me………
Continue readingThe Social Network.
You can tell a Tea Partier-but you can’t tell him (or her) much. I have a friend on Facebook who loves to post trite quotes from the Founding Fathers-most often taken out of context-in an effort to show his derision for those of us who do not share the ugly
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Well, I must be getting over my jet lag because I find myself able to marshall rage at obvious stupidity again. And judging by the news today there is plenty of it. The difference between now and yesteryear though is that I find myself wishing to drive the point home
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