I’ve been watching the events in Bahrain with considerable interest. Not because I think we can influence events one way or the other, in fact I think our best course is to sit tight and wait events out. I am however, amazed at the naivete shown by many American journalists
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The S.O. and I joined a YMCA after Christmas. The reason we (I) did so was because they have Body Pump classes-which the on base gyms here do not have. Now the S.O-owing in large part to her lack of a J.O.B.- is able to go classes daily, but for
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And unlike Nir Rosen-I am not going to apologize for what follows. Lara Logan got beaten and sexually assaulted by a mob of Arabs. And now the world is “shocked” that such a thing would happen to a hot blonde in the middle of crowd of Arabs. While I feel
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When I read this tragic story-I could not help but think, ” That could happen where I work!” A Los Angeles woman died in her cubicle at work last week, but her body wasn’t discovered until the following day, local police said. What’s really scary is that it could happen-and
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Is useless on a Monday when deadlines are near. The S.O. came up on the short end of the stick-again. However, in my defense-I did buy her earrings and a ring in Bahrain…………… And we have seen zero gratitude for that! Then again-before women start whining-remind them how lucky they
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I dispatched the following letter to Congressman West today. That’s right-our boy Allen West. In Allen West-you find everything that is wrong with the our new Galtian overlords all rolled up into one package. Watching this video filled me with disgust and enough anger, that I felt a responsibilty to
Continue readingThe Midas touch…..
Or why the place that Skippy works is on the express train to hell-no local stops. To understand why-lets review some ancient mythological history: The old satyr had been drinking wine and had wandered away drunk, later to be found by some Phrygian peasants, who carried him to their king,
Continue readingNo good deed goes unpunished…..
Well, silly me-I thought I was done with that proposal I worked on last month. As it turns out-not really. The government came back with what they call-requests for information. Which in essence means I have to do the whole thing all over again-by Monday. Those who know-say this is
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It should be no surprise to any regular readers here, that when it comes to sex-I am very open minded and take a pretty liberal view point when it comes to the age old question of “How much is enough?” ( Answer: There is no such thing as ‘enough sex’).
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James Webb announced his retirement from the Senate today. It is hardly surprising, and probably not unexpected. Phib and the others tend to view Webb as not having accomplished anything. They are wrong-about that and about Webb. Let’s look at what Webb did accomplish. First he got passed, something George
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