The 17th year since the disaster of 9-11 occurred. Today, of course, will be a day of remembrances and memorials to the 3000 Americans who perished on that day, and the many more both in and out of the service who perished as a result of that day and the
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The old saying proves true.
That saying from my old squadron, way back, long ago, in a galaxy far away. If you are not in hack at least once a cruise, you are not carrying your share of the load. Our friends in the Royal Navy are proving that phrase true: Six sailors assigned to
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America fucked up last night. They had a choice to make-and they chose the selfish option. Now they deserve to suffer for it. And suffer we will. For the short term, people will rejoice, however when people experience the effects of the legislation that he will propose-and the Supreme Court
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And I did not write it. But I wish I had. Jim Wright of Stonekettle Station did, and its worth the couple of minutes it will take to read it in it’s entirety. 15 years ago today 19 shitheads attacked America. They killed 3000 of us. And then … America got
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Yes the markets went back up today. I did my bit to help and bought stock in Match.Com. ( Because you never know when you’ll need to fire up that Tinder App). But Britain kept taking one hit after another. A labor No Confidence vote that Jeremy Corbyn lost, and additional
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Watching markets tank again, makes me want to keep beating the Brexit horse. Once again, thank you voters of the UK for giving me an opportunity to keep working well into my 60’s. That night job as an Uber driver in a couple of years will be a hell of
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This weekend has been one of the most interesting in recent history. Watching the post mortem on the Brexit referendum on British TV has been an education to say the least. When you walk off of a cliff, there is that interval of time while you fall, wondering how bad
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I suffered the loss of a good friend last night. The United Kingdom ( May 1, 1707-June 23rd, 2016), America’s mother country, the source of US traditions and many of our values , a country that holds a special place in my heart, committed suicide last night. It was 409 years
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John Oliver explains in good form why the UK should leave the shitty politics , as well as the political assassinations, to their crazy American cousins on the wrong side of the Atlantic: Since we have a British satellite system, we are getting to see a lot of the debate
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The four horsemen of the apocalypse that is. As if having Donald Trump on a presidential ballot were not proof enough the Anti-Christ is alive and walking among us, now comes a day when I actually agree with a Republican Congressman from Mississippi. Repent! The hour of judgment is at hand!
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